Tor Oskar Saetre
Tor Oskar Saetre
Professor em. of Materials Science (materialteknologi) at University of Agder
Верификована је имејл адреса на uia.no
Design and characterization of bi-functional electrocatalytic layers for application in PEM unitized regenerative fuel cells
SA Grigoriev, P Millet, KA Dzhus, H Middleton, TO Saetre, VN Fateev
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (10), 5070-5076, 2010
Overirradiance (cloud enhancement) events at high latitudes
GH Yordanov, OM Midtgård, TO Saetre, HK Nielsen, LE Norum
2012 IEEE 38th photovoltaic specialists conference (PVSC) part 2, 1-7, 2012
Moisture ingress in photovoltaic modules: A review
OK Segbefia, AG Imenes, TO Saetre
Solar Energy 224, 889-906, 2021
Computer simulation of primary recrystallisation microstructures: The effects of nucleation and growth kinetics
TO Saetre, O Hunderi, E Nes
Acta metallurgica 34 (6), 981-987, 1986
A new analytical solar cell I–V curve model
TO Saetre, OM Midtgård, GH Yordanov
Renewable Energy 36 (8), 2171-2176, 2011
A qualitative examination of performance and energy yield of photovoltaic modules in southern Norway
OM Midtgard, TO Sætre, G Yordanov, AG Imenes, CL Nge
Renewable Energy 35 (6), 1266-1274, 2010
Two-diode model revisited: Parameters extraction from semi-log plots of IV data
GH Yordanov, OM Midtgård, TO Saetre
25th european photovoltaic solar energy conference and exhibition/5th world …, 2010
Extreme overirradiance events in Norway: 1.6 suns measured close to 60 N
GH Yordanov, TO Saetre, OM Midtgård
Solar Energy 115, 68-73, 2015
Series resistance determination and further characterization of c-Si PV modules
GH Yordanov, OM Midtgård, TO Saetre
Renewable Energy 46, 72-80, 2012
Review of photovoltaic status in a European (EU) perspective
D Verma, OM Midtgård, TO Sætre
2011 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 003292-003297, 2011
100-millisecond resolution for accurate overirradiance measurements
GH Yordanov, TO Saetre, OM Midtgård
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 3 (4), 1354-1360, 2013
Modeling of the hydrogen sorption kinetics in an AB2 laves type metal hydride alloy
A Hariyadi, S Suwarno, RV Denys, JB von Colbe, TO Sætre, V Yartys
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 893, 162135, 2022
Development of a test station for accurate in situ IV curve measurements of photovoltaic modules in Southern Norway
AG Imenes, GH Yordanov, OM Midtgård, TO Saetre
2011 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 003153-003158, 2011
A comment on the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner (LSW) theory of particle coarsening
M Hillert, O Hunderi, N Ryum, TO Sætre
Scripta metallurgica 23 (11), 1979-1981, 1989
Review on up/down conversion materials for solar cell application
D Verma, TO Saetre, OM Midtgård
2012 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, 002608-002613, 2012
Moisture induced degradation in field-aged multicrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules
OK Segbefia, N Akhtar, TO Sætre
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 258, 112407, 2023
Modelling grain growth in two dimensions
TO Saetre, O Hunderi, N Ryum
Acta Metallurgica 37 (5), 1381-1387, 1989
Temperature sensitivity of multicrystalline silicon solar cells
C Berthod, ST Kristensen, R Strandberg, JO Odden, S Nie, Z Hameiri, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (4), 957-964, 2019
Power loss analysis for single phase grid-connected PV inverters
CL Nge, OM Midtgård, L Norum, TO Sætre
INTELEC 2009-31st International Telecommunications Energy Conference, 1-5, 2009
On grain and subgrain rotations in two dimensions
TO Saetre, N Ryum
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 26, 1687-1697, 1995
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