Rhys Farrer
Rhys Farrer
Senior Lecturer, University of exeter
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Recent introduction of a chytrid fungus endangers Western Palearctic salamanders
A Martel, M Blooi, C Adriaensen, P Van Rooij, W Beukema, MC Fisher, ...
Science 346 (6209), 630-631, 2014
Recent Asian origin of chytrid fungi causing global amphibian declines
SJ O’hanlon, A Rieux, RA Farrer, GM Rosa, B Waldman, A Bataille, ...
Science 360 (6389), 621-627, 2018
Multiple emergences of genetically diverse amphibian-infecting chytrids include a globalized hypervirulent recombinant lineage
RA Farrer, LA Weinert, J Bielby, TWJ Garner, F Balloux, F Clare, J Bosch, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (46), 18732-18736, 2011
Genome evolution following host jumps in the Irish potato famine pathogen lineage
S Raffaele, RA Farrer, LM Cano, DJ Studholme, D MacLean, M Thines, ...
Science 330 (6010), 1540-1543, 2010
Genome analyses of an aggressive and invasive lineage of the Irish potato famine pathogen
DEL Cooke, LM Cano, S Raffaele, RA Bain, LR Cooke, GJ Etherington, ...
Public Library of Science 8 (10), e1002940, 2012
Genomic insights into multidrug-resistance, mating and virulence in Candida auris and related emerging species
JF Muñoz, L Gade, NA Chow, VN Loparev, P Juieng, EL Berkow, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 5346, 2018
Genomic epidemiology of the UK outbreak of the emerging human fungal pathogen Candida auris
J Rhodes, A Abdolrasouli, RA Farrer, CA Cuomo, DM Aanensen, ...
Emerging microbes & infections 7 (1), 1-12, 2018
Ten things to know about oomycete effectors
S Schornack, E Huitema, LM Cano, TO Bozkurt, R Oliva, M Van Damme, ...
Molecular plant pathology 10 (6), 795-803, 2009
Global analysis of mutations driving microevolution of a heterozygous diploid fungal pathogen
IV Ene, RA Farrer, MP Hirakawa, K Agwamba, CA Cuomo, RJ Bennett
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (37), E8688-E8697, 2018
Chromosomal copy number variation, selection and uneven rates of recombination reveal cryptic genome diversity linked to pathogenicity
RA Farrer, DA Henk, TWJ Garner, F Balloux, DC Woodhams, MC Fisher
PLoS genetics 9 (8), e1003703, 2013
Genome Diversity, Recombination, and Virulence across the Major Lineages of Paracoccidioides
JF Muñoz, RA Farrer, CA Desjardins, JE Gallo, S Sykes, S Sakthikumar, ...
MSphere 1 (5), 10.1128/msphere. 00213-16, 2016
Hsf1 and Hsp90 orchestrate temperature-dependent global transcriptional remodelling and chromatin architecture in Candida albicans
MD Leach, RA Farrer, K Tan, Z Miao, LA Walker, CA Cuomo, RT Wheeler, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11704, 2016
Genomic innovations linked to infection strategies across emerging pathogenic chytrid fungi
RA Farrer, A Martel, E Verbrugghe, A Abouelleil, R Ducatelle, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 14742, 2017
Genome evolution and innovation across the four major lineages of Cryptococcus gattii
RA Farrer, CA Desjardins, S Sakthikumar, S Gujja, S Saif, Q Zeng, Y Chen, ...
MBio 6 (5), 10.1128/mbio. 00868-15, 2015
De novo assembly of the Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a genome using Illumina/Solexa short sequence reads
RA Farrer, E Kemen, JDG Jones, DJ Studholme
FEMS Microbiology Letters 291 (1), 103-111, 2009
Comparative genomics of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis reveals the secreted protein recognized by the Fom‐2 resistance gene in melon
SM Schmidt, J Lukasiewicz, R Farrer, P van Dam, C Bertoldo, M Rep
New Phytologist 209 (1), 307-318, 2016
Nine Things Genomics Can Tell Us About Candida auris
AD Chybowska, DS Childers, RA Farrer
Frontiers in genetics 11, 351, 2020
A new lineage of Cryptococcus gattii (VGV) discovered in the Central Zambezian Miombo Woodlands
RA Farrer, M Chang, MJ Davis, L van Dorp, DH Yang, T Shea, TR Sewell, ...
MBio 10 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 02306-19, 2019
Microevolution of Serial Clinical Isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii and C. gattii
Y Chen, RA Farrer, C Giamberardino, S Sakthikumar, A Jones, T Yang, ...
MBio 8 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 00166-17, 2017
Transmission of Hypervirulence Traits via Sexual Reproduction within and between Lineages of the Human Fungal Pathogen Cryptococcus gattii
K Voelz, H Ma, S Phadke, EJ Byrnes, P Zhu, O Mueller, RA Farrer, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (9), e1003771, 2013
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