Gu Feng
Gu Feng
College of Resource and Environmental Science, China Agricultural University
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Improved tolerance of maize plants to salt stress by arbuscular mycorrhiza is related to higher accumulation of soluble sugars in roots
G Feng, F Zhang, X Li, C Tian, C Tang, Z Rengel
Mycorrhiza 12, 185-190, 2002
Distinct seasonal assemblages of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi revealed by massively parallel pyrosequencing
AJ Dumbrell, PD Ashton, N Aziz, G Feng, M Nelson, C Dytham, AH Fitter, ...
New Phytologist 190 (3), 794-804, 2011
Carbon and phosphorus exchange may enable cooperation between an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and a phosphate‐solubilizing bacterium
L Zhang, M Xu, Y Liu, F Zhang, A Hodge, G Feng
New Phytologist 210 (3), 1022-1032, 2016
Strategies for Adaptation of Suaeda physophora, Haloxylon ammodendron and Haloxylon persicum to a Saline Environment During Seed-Germination Stage
JIE Song, GU Feng, C Tian, F Zhang
Annals of Botany 96 (3), 399-405, 2005
Different effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal isolates from saline or non-saline soil on salinity tolerance of plants
CY Tian, G Feng, XL Li, FS Zhang
Applied Soil Ecology 26 (2), 143-148, 2004
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance mineralisation of organic phosphorus by carrying bacteria along their extraradical hyphae
F Jiang, L Zhang, J Zhou, TS George, G Feng
New Phytologist 230 (1), 304-315, 2021
Signal beyond nutrient, fructose, exuded by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus triggers phytate mineralization by a phosphate solubilizing bacterium
L Zhang, G Feng, S Declerck
The ISME Journal 12 (10), 2339-2351, 2018
Organic phosphorus in the terrestrial environment: a perspective on the state of the art and future priorities
TS George, CD Giles, D Menezes-Blackburn, LM Condron, ...
Plant and Soil 427, 191-208, 2018
Hyphosphere interactions between an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and a phosphate solubilizing bacterium promote phytate mineralization in soil
L Zhang, J Fan, X Ding, X He, F Zhang, G Feng
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 74, 177-183, 2014
Crop yield and soil organic matter after long-term straw return to soil in China
J Wang, X Wang, M Xu, G Feng, W Zhang, C Lu
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 102, 371-381, 2015
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi conducting the hyphosphere bacterial orchestra
L Zhang, J Zhou, TS George, E Limpens, G Feng
Trends in plant science 27 (4), 402-411, 2022
Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to utilization of organic sources of phosphorus by red clover in a calcareous soil
G Feng, YC Song, XL Li, P Christie
Applied Soil Ecology 22 (2), 139-148, 2003
Twenty years of research on community composition and species distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in China: a review
JP Gai, P Christie, G Feng, XL Li
Mycorrhiza 16, 229-239, 2006
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi stimulate organic phosphate mobilization associated with changing bacterial community structure under field conditions
L Zhang, N Shi, J Fan, F Wang, TS George, G Feng
Environmental Microbiology 20 (7), 2639-2651, 2018
Effects of EDTA application and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization on growth and zinc uptake by maize (Zea mays L.) in soil experimentally contaminated with zinc
B Chen, H Shen, X Li, G Feng, P Christie
Plant and soil 261 (1), 219-229, 2004
Effect of salinity on growth, ion accumulation and the roles of ions in osmotic adjustment of two populations of Suaeda salsa
J Song, M Chen, G Feng, Y Jia, B Wang, F Zhang
Plant and Soil 314, 133-141, 2009
Osmotic adjustment traits of Suaeda physophora, Haloxylon ammodendron and Haloxylon persicum in field or controlled conditions
J Song, G Feng, CY Tian, FS Zhang
Plant Science 170 (1), 113-119, 2006
Salinity affects production and salt tolerance of dimorphic seeds of Suaeda salsa
F Wang, Y Xu, S Wang, W Shi, R Liu, G Feng, J Song
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 95, 41-48, 2015
Mobilization of sparingly soluble inorganic phosphates by the external mycelium of an abuscular mycorrhizal fungus
Q Yao, X Li, G Feng, P Christie
Plant and Soil 230, 279-285, 2001
Mycorrhizal responsiveness of maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes as related to releasing date and available P content in soil
Q Chu, X Wang, Y Yang, F Chen, F Zhang, G Feng
Mycorrhiza 23, 497-505, 2013
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