Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - François ParcyVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 1
Genetic control of floral induction and floral patterning
I Lee, D Weigel, F Parcy
Annual Plant Reviews online, 315-348, 2018
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture, Human Frontier …
Na voljo nekje: 33
JASPAR 2020: update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles
O Fornes, JA Castro-Mondragon, A Khan, R Van der Lee, X Zhang, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (D1), D87-D92, 2020
Zahteve: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and …
JASPAR 2018: update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles and its web framework
A Khan, O Fornes, A Stigliani, M Gheorghe, JA Castro-Mondragon, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (D1), D260-D266, 2018
Zahteve: Research Foundation (Flanders), Canadian Institutes of Health Research …
JASPAR 2022: the 9th release of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles
JA Castro-Mondragon, R Riudavets-Puig, I Rauluseviciute, ...
Nucleic acids research 50 (D1), D165-D173, 2022
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research …
JASPAR 2014: an extensively expanded and updated open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles
A Mathelier, X Zhao, AW Zhang, F Parcy, R Worsley-Hunt, DJ Arenillas, ...
Nucleic acids research 42 (D1), D142-D147, 2014
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research …
JASPAR 2016: a major expansion and update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles
A Mathelier, O Fornes, DJ Arenillas, C Chen, G Denay, J Lee, W Shi, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D110-D115, 2016
Zahteve: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and …
JASPAR 2024: 20th anniversary of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles
I Rauluseviciute, R Riudavets-Puig, R Blanc-Mathieu, ...
Nucleic acids research 52 (D1), D174-D182, 2024
Zahteve: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
LEAFY target genes reveal floral regulatory logic, cis motifs, and a link to biotic stimulus response
CM Winter, RS Austin, S Blanvillain-Baufumé, MA Reback, M Monniaux, ...
Developmental cell 20 (4), 430-443, 2011
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
A promiscuous intermediate underlies the evolution of LEAFY DNA binding specificity
C Sayou, M Monniaux, MH Nanao, E Moyroud, SF Brockington, ...
Science 343 (6171), 645-648, 2014
Zahteve: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Building transcription factor binding site models to understand gene regulation in plants
X Lai, A Stigliani, G Vachon, C Carles, C Smaczniak, C Zubieta, ...
Molecular plant 12 (6), 743-763, 2019
Zahteve: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Structure of the Arabidopsis TOPLESS corepressor provides insight into the evolution of transcriptional repression
R Martin-Arevalillo, MH Nanao, A Larrieu, T Vinos-Poyo, D Mast, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (30), 8107-8112, 2017
Zahteve: European Commission, Human Frontier Science Program
A SAM oligomerization domain shapes the genomic binding landscape of the LEAFY transcription factor
C Sayou, MH Nanao, M Jamin, D Posé, E Thévenon, L Grégoire, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11222, 2016
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Integrating long‐day flowering signals: a LEAFY binding site is essential for proper photoperiodic activation of APETALA1
R Benlloch, MC Kim, C Sayou, E Thévenon, F Parcy, O Nilsson
The Plant Journal 67 (6), 1094-1102, 2011
Zahteve: Swedish Research Council
The LEAFY floral regulator displays pioneer transcription factor properties
X Lai, R Blanc-Mathieu, L GrandVuillemin, Y Huang, A Stigliani, J Lucas, ...
Molecular plant 14 (5), 829-837, 2021
Zahteve: German Research Foundation, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A network of transcriptional repressors modulates auxin responses
J Truskina, J Han, E Chrysanthou, CS Galvan-Ampudia, S Lainé, ...
Nature 589 (7840), 116-119, 2021
Zahteve: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences …
Cauliflower fractal forms arise from perturbations of floral gene networks
E Azpeitia, G Tichtinsky, M Le Masson, A Serrano-Mislata, J Lucas, ...
Science 373 (6551), 192-197, 2021
Zahteve: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, European …
Capturing auxin response factors syntax using DNA binding models
A Stigliani, R Martin-Arevalillo, J Lucas, A Bessy, T Vinos-Poyo, ...
Molecular Plant 12 (6), 822-832, 2019
Zahteve: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Evolution of the auxin response factors from charophyte ancestors
R Martin-Arevalillo, E Thevenon, F Jégu, T Vinos-Poyo, T Vernoux, ...
PLoS Genetics 15 (9), e1008400, 2019
Zahteve: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The intervening domain is required for DNA-binding and functional identity of plant MADS transcription factors
X Lai, R Vega-Léon, V Hugouvieux, R Blanc-Mathieu, F van Der Wal, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 4760, 2021
Zahteve: German Research Foundation, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Genome-wide binding of SEPALLATA3 and AGAMOUS complexes determined by sequential DNA-affinity purification sequencing
X Lai, A Stigliani, J Lucas, V Hugouvieux, F Parcy, C Zubieta
Nucleic acids research 48 (17), 9637-9648, 2020
Zahteve: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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