Bjørn H. Hjertager
On mathematical modeling of turbulent combustion with special emphasis on soot formation and combustion
BF Magnussen, BH Hjertager
Symposium (international) on Combustion 16 (1), 719-729, 1977
Effects of turbulent structure and local concentrations on soot formation and combustion in C2 H2 diffusion flames
BF Magnussen, BH Hjertager, JG Olsen, D Bhaduri
Symposium (International) on Combustion 17 (1), 1383-1393, 1979
Physiological responses to mixing in large scale bioreactors
SO Enfors, M Jahic, A Rozkov, B Xu, M Hecker, B Jürgen, E Krüger, ...
Journal of biotechnology 85 (2), 175-185, 2001
Large eddy simulation of the gas–liquid flow in a square cross-sectioned bubble column
NG Deen, T Solberg, BH Hjertager
Chemical engineering science 56 (21-22), 6341-6349, 2001
An Experimental and Computational Study of Multiphase Flow behaviour in Circulating Fluidised Beds
V Mathiesen, BH Hjertager, T Solberg
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 26 (3), 387–419, 2000
Pressure development due to turbulent flame propagation in large-scale methane-air explosions
IO Moen, JHS Lee, BH Hjertager, K Fuhre, RK Eckhoff
Combustion and Flame 47, 31-52, 1982
An experimental and numerical study of flow patterns in a circulating fluidized bed reactor
A Samuelsberg, BH Hjertager
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 22 (3), 575-591, 1996
Flow Generated by an Aerated Rushton Impeller : Two-Phase PIV Experiments and Numerical Simulations
NG Deen, T Solberg, BH Hjertager
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 80 (4), 638-652, 2002
LDA measurements and CFD modelling of gas-liquid flow in a stirred vessel
KE Morud, BH Hjertager
Chemical Engineering Science 51 (2), 233-249, 1996
Simulation of transient compressible turbulent reactive flows
BH Hjertager
Combustion Science and Technology 27 (5-6), 159-170, 1982
Comparison of multifluid and discrete particle modelling in numerical predictions of gas particle flow in circulating fluidised beds
CH Ibsen, E Helland, BH Hjertager, T Solberg, L Tadrist, R Occelli
Powder Technology 149 (1), 29-41, 2004
Predictions of gas/particle flow with an Eulerian model including a realistic particle size distribution
V Mathiesen, T Solberg, BH Hjertager
Powder Technology 112 (1-2), 34-45, 2000
Computational modeling of gas/particle flow in a riser
A Samuelsberg, BH Hjertager
AIChE journal 42 (6), 1536-1546, 1996
Investigations to improve and assess the accuracy of computational fluid dynamic based explosion models
NR Popat, CA Catlin, BJ Arntzen, RP Lindstedt, BH Hjertager, T Solberg, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 45 (1), 1-25, 1996
Experimental and computational study of multiphase gas/particle flow in a CFB riser
V Mathiesen, T Solberg, H Arastoopour, BH Hjertager
AIChE journal 45 (12), 2503-2518, 1999
Comparison of PIV and LDA measurement methods applied to the gas-liquid flow in a bubble column, proceedings of the 10th Int
N Deen, B Hjertager, T Solberg
Symp. on Appl. of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mech., Lisbon (Portugal), 38.5, 2000
Computer simulation of turbulent reactive gas dynamics
BH Hjertager
MIC Journal 5 (4), 211-236, 1984
Computer modelling of turbulent gas explosions in complex 2D and 3D geometries
BH Hjertager
Journal of hazardous materials 34 (2), 173-197, 1993
Concentration effects on flame acceleration by obstacles in large-scale methane-air and propane-air vented explosions
BH Hjertager, K Fuhre, M Bjørkhaug
Combustion science and technology 62 (4-6), 239-256, 1988
A novel algorithm for solving population balance equations: the parallel parent and daughter classes. Derivation, analysis and testing
S Bove, T Solberg, BH Hjertager
Chemical Engineering Science 60 (5), 1449-1464, 2005
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