Brian French
An examination of indicators of engineering students' success and persistence
BF French, JC Immekus, WC Oakes
Journal of Engineering Education 94 (4), 419-425, 2005
Confirmatory factor analytic procedures for the determination of measurement invariance
BF French, WH Finch
Structural Equation Modeling 13 (3), 378-402, 2006
The Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale: Confirming the factor structure with beginning pre-service teachers
LC Duffin, BF French, H Patrick
Teaching and teacher Education 28 (6), 827-834, 2012
Gender differences in the foreign language classroom anxiety scale
GP Park, BF French
System 41 (2), 462-471, 2013
Engineering identity development among pre‐adolescent learners
BM Capobianco, BF French, HA DIEFES‐DU
Journal of Engineering Education 101 (4), 698-716, 2012
Latent variable modeling with R
WH Finch, BF French
Routledge, 2015
Validity and problem-based learning research: A review of instruments used to assess intended learning outcomes
BR Belland, BF French, PA Ertmer
Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based learning 3 (1), 59, 2009
The psychometric properties of the Clance Impostor Scale
BF French, SC Ullrich-French, D Follman
Personality and Individual Differences 44 (5), 1270-1278, 2008
Patterns of young children's motivation for science and teacher-child relationships
H Patrick, P Mantzicopoulos, A Samarapungavan, BF French
The journal of experimental education 76 (2), 121-144, 2008
A systematic review of assessment literacy measures
CM Gotch, BF French
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 33 (2), 14-18, 2014
Reliability and validity evidence for the institutional integration scale
BF French, W Oakes
Educational and Psychological Measurement 64 (1), 88-98, 2004
Iterative purification and effect size use with logistic regression for differential item functioning detection
BF French, SJ Maller
Educational and Psychological Measurement 67 (3), 373-393, 2007
Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis: Locating the invariant referent sets
BF French, WH Finch
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 15 (1), 96-113, 2008
Are cross-cultural comparisons of personality profiles meaningful? Differential item and facet functioning in the Revised NEO Personality Inventory.
AT Church, JM Alvarez, NTQ Mai, BF French, MS Katigbak, FA Ortiz
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (5), 1068, 2011
Applied psychometrics using SPSS and AMOS
H Finch, BF French, JC Immekus
IAP, 2016
Detection of crossing differential item functioning: A comparison of four methods
W Holmes Finch, BF French
Educational and psychological Measurement 67 (4), 565-582, 2007
Teachers’ role in students’ learning at a project-based STEM high school: Implications for teacher education
J Morrison, J Frost, C Gotch, AR McDuffie, B Austin, B French
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 19, 1103-1123, 2021
Bidirectional effects of parenting quality and child externalizing behavior in predominantly single parent, under-resourced African American families
AM Pearl, BF French, JE Dumas, AD Moreland, R Prinz
Journal of Child and Family Studies 23, 177-188, 2014
Identifying key components of teaching and learning in a STEM school
J Morrison, A Roth McDuffie, B French
School Science and Mathematics 115 (5), 244-255, 2015
Convergent and discriminant validity with formative measurement: A mediator perspective
X Wang, BF French, PF Clay
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 14 (1), 83-106, 2015
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