Cengiz Zopluoglu
Cengiz Zopluoglu
Associate Professor, College of Education, University of Oregon
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uoregon.edu - Domača stran
Curriculum-based measurement of oral reading: Multi-study evaluation of schedule, duration, and dataset quality on progress monitoring outcomes
TJ Christ, C Zopluoglu, BD Monaghen, ER Van Norman
Journal of School Psychology 51 (1), 19-57, 2013
Curriculum-based measurement of oral reading: Quality of progress monitoring outcomes
TJ Christ, C Zopluoglu, JD Long, BD Monaghen
Exceptional Children 78 (3), 356-373, 2012
Longitudinal mathematics development of students with learning disabilities and students without disabilities: A comparison of linear, quadratic, and piecewise linear mixed …
N Kohli, AL Sullivan, S Sadeh, C Zopluoglu
Journal of school psychology 53 (2), 105-120, 2015
Detecting examinees with item preknowledge in large-scale testing using extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost)
C Zopluoglu
Educational and psychological measurement 79 (5), 931-961, 2019
Fitting a linear–linear piecewise growth mixture model with unknown knots: A comparison of two common approaches to inference.
N Kohli, J Hughes, C Wang, C Zopluoglu, ML Davison
Psychological methods 20 (2), 259, 2015
A cross-national comparison of intra-class correlation coefficient in educational achievement outcomes
C Zopluoğlu
Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology 3 (1), 242-278, 2012
Rotation to a partially specified target matrix in exploratory factor analysis in practice
ND Myers, Y Jin, S Ahn, S Celimli, C Zopluoglu
Behavior research methods 47, 494-505, 2015
Similarity, answer copying, and aberrance: Understanding the status quo
C Zopluoglu
Handbook of quantitative methods for detecting cheating on tests, 25-46, 2017
EstCRM: An R package for Samejima's continuous IRT model
C Zopluoglu
Applied Psychological Measurement 36 (2), 149, 2012
A finite mixture of nonlinear random coefficient models for continuous repeated measures data
N Kohli, JR Harring, C Zopluoglu
Psychometrika 81 (3), 851-880, 2016
The empirical power and type I error rates of the GBT and ω indices in detecting answer copying on multiple-choice tests
C Zopluoglu, EC Davenport Jr
Educational and Psychological Measurement 72 (6), 975-1000, 2012
Curriculum-Based Measurement of Oral Reading: Evaluation of Growth Estimates Derived With Pre-Post Assessment Methods
TJ Christ, BD Monaghen, C Zopluoglu, ER Van Norman
Assessment for Effective Intervention, 2012
Mattering in the community: Domain and demographic differences in a US sample
MP Scarpa, C Zopluoglu, I Prilleltensky
Journal of community psychology 50 (3), 1481-1502, 2022
Assessing Multidimensional Mattering: Validation of the Mattering in Domains of Life Scale (MIDLS)
MP Scarpa, C Zopluoglu, I Prilleltensky
Journal of Community Psychology, 2021
A Note on Using Eigenvalues in Dimensionality Assessment.
C Zopluoglu, EC Davenport Jr
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation 22 (7), n7, 2017
Assessing a culture of mattering in a higher education context
I Prilleltensky, S Dietz, C Zopluoglu, A Clarke, M Lipsky, CM Hartnett
Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education 5 (1), 58-104, 2020
The effects of baseline estimation on the reliability, validity, and precision of CBM-R growth estimates.
ER Van Norman, TJ Christ, C Zopluoglu
School Psychology Quarterly 28 (3), 239, 2013
A comparison of two estimation algorithms for Samejima’s continuous IRT model
C Zopluoglu
Behavior research methods 45, 54-64, 2013
A note on estimating single-class piecewise mixed-effects models with unknown change points
N Kohli, Y Peralta, C Zopluoglu, ML Davison
International journal of behavioral development 42 (5), 518-524, 2018
FitPMM: An R routine to fit finite mixture of piecewise mixed-effect models with unknown random knots
C Zopluoglu, JR Harring, N Kohli
Applied Psychological Measurement 38 (7), 583-584, 2014
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