Ulrich Riller
Ulrich Riller
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uni-hamburg.de - Domača stran
Late Cenozoic tectonism, collapse caldera and plateau formation in the central Andes
U Riller, I Petrinovic, J Ramelow, M Strecker, O Oncken
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 188 (3-4), 299-311, 2001
The formation of peak rings in large impact craters
JV Morgan, SPS Gulick, T Bralower, E Chenot, G Christeson, P Claeys, ...
Science 354 (6314), 878-882, 2016
The time-space distribution of Cenozoic volcanism in the South-Central Andes: a new data compilation and some tectonic implications
RB Trumbull, U Riller, O Oncken, E Scheuber, K Munier, F Hongn
The Andes: active subduction orogeny, 29-43, 2006
Development of the southern Eastern Cordillera, NW Argentina, constrained by apatite fission track thermochronology: From early Cretaceous extension to middle Miocene shortening
A Deeken, ER Sobel, I Coutand, M Haschke, U Riller, MR Strecker
Tectonics 25 (6), 2006
The first day of the Cenozoic
SPS Gulick, TJ Bralower, J Ormö, B Hall, K Grice, B Schaefer, S Lyons, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (39), 19342-19351, 2019
Rapid recovery of life at ground zero of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction
CM Lowery, TJ Bralower, JD Owens, FJ Rodríguez-Tovar, H Jones, J Smit, ...
Nature 558 (7709), 288-291, 2018
Growth of the Central Andean Plateau by tectonic segmentation is controlled by the gradient in crustal shortening
U Riller, O Oncken
The Journal of Geology 111 (3), 367-384, 2003
Partial-melt topology in statically and dynamically recrystallized granite
CL Rosenberg, U Riller
Geology 28 (1), 7-10, 2000
Second look at suspect terranes in southern Mexico
L Ratschbacher, U Riller, M Meschede, U Herrmann, W Frisch
Geology 19 (12), 1233-1236, 1991
Structural characteristics of the Sudbury impact structure, Canada: Impact‐induced versus orogenic deformation—A review
U Riller
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 40 (11), 1723-1740, 2005
Observations and interpretations at Vredefort, Sudbury, and Chicxulub: Towards an empirical model of terrestrial impact basin formation
RAF Grieve, WU Reimold, J Morgan, U Riller, M Pilkington
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 43 (5), 855-882, 2008
Quantifying the release of climate-active gases by large meteorite impacts with a case study of Chicxulub
N Artemieva, ESP Morgan Joanne
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (20), 2017
Probing the hydrothermal system of the Chicxulub impact crater
DA Kring, SM Tikoo, M Schmieder, U Riller, M Rebolledo-Vieyra, ...
Science Advances 6 (22), eaaz3053, 2020
Rock fluidization during peak-ring formation of large impact structures
U Riller, MH Poelchau, ASP Rae, FM Schulte, GS Collins, HJ Melosh, ...
Nature 562 (7728), 511-518, 2018
Tectonomagmatic characteristics of the back‐arc portion of the Calama–Olacapato–El Toro fault zone, Central Andes
V Acocella, A Gioncada, R Omarini, U Riller, R Mazzuoli, L Vezzoli
Tectonics 30 (3), 2011
A steeply-inclined trajectory for the Chicxulub impact
GS Collins, N Patel, TM Davison, ASP Rae, JV Morgan, SPS Gulick, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1480, 2020
Globally distributed iridium layer preserved within the Chicxulub impact structure
S Goderis, H Sato, L Ferrière, B Schmitz, D Burney, P Kaskes, J Vellekoop, ...
Science Advances 7 (9), eabe3647, 2021
Bimodal volcanism in a tectonic transfer zone: evidence for tectonically controlled magmatism in the southern Central Andes, NW Argentina
IA Petrinovic, U Riller, JA Brod, G Alvarado, M Arnosio
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 152 (3-4), 240-252, 2006
Semi-automatic segmentation of petrographic thin section images using a “seeded-region growing algorithm” with an application to characterize wheathered subarkose sandstone
P Asmussen, O Conrad, A Günther, M Kirsch, U Riller
Computers & Geosciences 83, 89-99, 2015
Left-lateral transtension along the Tierra Colorada deformation zone, northern margin of the Xolapa magmatic arc of southern Mexico
U Riller, L Ratschbacher, W Frisch
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 5 (3-4), 237-249, 1992
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