Reduced-order modeling: new approaches for computational physics DJ Lucia, PS Beran, WA Silva Progress in aerospace sciences 40 (1-2), 51-117, 2004 | 942 | 2004 |
State-space representation of the unsteady aerodynamics of flapping flight HE Taha, MR Hajj, PS Beran Aerospace Science and Technology 34, 1-11, 2014 | 185 | 2014 |
The role of non-uniqueness in the development of vortex breakdown in tubes PS Beran, FEC Culick Journal of Fluid Mechanics 242, 491-527, 1992 | 160 | 1992 |
Analytical sensitivity analysis of an unsteady vortex-lattice method for flapping-wing optimization BK Stanford, PS Beran Journal of Aircraft 47 (2), 647-662, 2010 | 152 | 2010 |
Studies of store-induced limit-cycle oscillations using a model with full system nonlinearities PS Beran, TW Strganac, K Kim, C Nichkawde Nonlinear Dynamics 37, 323-339, 2004 | 124 | 2004 |
Uncertainty quantification of limit-cycle oscillations PS Beran, CL Pettit, DR Millman Journal of Computational Physics 217 (1), 217-247, 2006 | 121 | 2006 |
Projection methods for reduced order models of compressible flows DJ Lucia, PS Beran Journal of Computational Physics 188 (1), 252-280, 2003 | 112 | 2003 |
Spectral and multiresolution Wiener expansions of oscillatory stochastic processes CL Pettit, PS Beran Journal of Sound and Vibration 294 (4-5), 752-779, 2006 | 109 | 2006 |
Reduced-order modeling-New approaches for computational physics P Beran, W Silva 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 853, 2001 | 108 | 2001 |
Reduced order modeling of a two-dimensional flow with moving shocks DJ Lucia, PI King, PS Beran Computers & Fluids 32 (7), 917-938, 2003 | 106 | 2003 |
Numerical analysis of store-induced limit-cycle oscillation PS Beran, NS Khot, FE Eastep, RD Snyder, JV Zweber Journal of Aircraft 41 (6), 1315-1326, 2004 | 98 | 2004 |
Global optimization of actively morphing flapping wings M Ghommem, MR Hajj, DT Mook, BK Stanford, PS Beran, RD Snyder, ... Journal of Fluids and Structures 33, 210-228, 2012 | 94 | 2012 |
Aeroelastic system development using proper orthogonal decomposition and Volterra theory DJ Lucia, PS Beran, WA Silva Journal of aircraft 42 (2), 509-518, 2005 | 93 | 2005 |
Hopf-bifurcation analysis of airfoil flutter at transonic speeds SA Morton, PS Beran Journal of aircraft 36 (2), 421-429, 1999 | 91 | 1999 |
Uncertainty quantification in aeroelasticity P Beran, B Stanford, C Schrock Annual review of fluid mechanics 49 (1), 361-386, 2017 | 88 | 2017 |
Numerical investigation of supersonic injection using a Reynolds-stress turbulence model CF Chenault, PS Beran, RDW Bowersox AIAA journal 37 (10), 1257-1269, 1999 | 86 | 1999 |
Ke and Reynolds stress turbulence model comparisons for two-dimensional injection flows CF Chenault, PS Beran AIAA journal 36 (8), 1401-1412, 1998 | 86 | 1998 |
The time-asymptotic behavior of vortex breakdown in tubes PS Beran Computers & fluids 23 (7), 913-937, 1994 | 77 | 1994 |
Reduced-order modelling of limit-cycle oscillation for aeroelastic systems PS Beran, DJ Lucia, CL Pettit Journal of Fluids and Structures 19 (5), 575-590, 2004 | 75 | 2004 |
POD-based reduced-order models with deforming grids JSR Anttonen, PI King, PS Beran Mathematical and Computer Modelling 38 (1-2), 41-62, 2003 | 73 | 2003 |