Anak Agung Ngurah Perwira Redi
Anak Agung Ngurah Perwira Redi
Assistant Professor , Sampoerna University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na sampoernauniversity.ac.id - Domača stran
Factors affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty in online food delivery service during the COVID-19 pandemic: Its relation with open innovation
YT Prasetyo, H Tanto, M Mariyanto, C Hanjaya, MN Young, SF Persada, ...
Journal of open innovation: technology, market, and complexity 7 (1), 76, 2021
The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in an automotive after-sales service
JR Balinado, YT Prasetyo, MN Young, SF Persada, BA Miraja, AANP Redi
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7 (2), 116, 2021
A simulated annealing heuristic for the hybrid vehicle routing problem
FY Vincent, AANP Redi, YA Hidayat, OJ Wibowo
Applied Soft Computing 53, 119-132, 2017
Open Vehicle Routing Problem With Cross-Docking
national taiwan university of science and technology, 2013
Determining factors Affecting acceptance of e-learning platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic: Integrating Extended technology Acceptance model and DeLone & Mclean is success model
YT Prasetyo, AKS Ong, GKF Concepcion, FMB Navata, RAV Robles, ...
Sustainability 13 (15), 8365, 2021
Choosing a package carrier during COVID-19 pandemic: An integration of pro-environmental planned behavior (PEPB) theory and Service Quality (SERVQUAL)
JD German, AANP Redi, YT Prasetyo, SF Persada, AKS Ong, MN Young, ...
Journal of cleaner production 346, 131123, 2022
Symbiotic organisms search and two solution representations for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem
FY Vincent, AANP Redi, CL Yang, E Ruskartina, B Santosa
Applied Soft Computing 52, 657-672, 2017
Factors affecting intention to prepare for mitigation of “the big one” earthquake in the Philippines: Integrating protection motivation theory and extended theory of planned …
AKS Ong, YT Prasetyo, FC Lagura, RN Ramos, KM Sigua, JA Villas, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 63, 102467, 2021
Consumer behavior in clothing industry and its relationship with open innovation dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic
AKS Ong, MA Cleofas, YT Prasetyo, T Chuenyindee, MN Young, JFT Diaz, ...
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7 (4), 211, 2021
Determinants of customer intentions to use electric vehicle in Indonesia: An integrated model analysis
I Gunawan, AANP Redi, AA Santosa, MFN Maghfiroh, AH Pandyaswargo, ...
Sustainability 14 (4), 1972, 2022
The measurement of University students’ intention to use blended learning system through technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) at developed and …
R Nadlifatin, B Miraja, S Persada, P Belgiawan, AAN Redi, SC Lin
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (9 …, 2020
The perceived satisfaction in utilizing learning management system among engineering students during the COVID-19 pandemic: Integrating task technology fit and extended …
MM Navarro, YT Prasetyo, MN Young, R Nadlifatin, AANP Redi
Sustainability 13 (19), 10669, 2021
Investigating the acceptance of the reopening Bataan nuclear power plant: Integrating protection motivation theory and extended theory of planned behavior
AKS Ong, YT Prasetyo, JMLD Salazar, JJC Erfe, AA Abella, MN Young, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 54 (3), 1115-1125, 2022
Team orienteering problem with time windows and time-dependent scores
FY Vincent, P Jewpanya, SW Lin, AANP Redi
Computers & Industrial Engineering 127, 213-224, 2019
Adaptive neighborhood simulated annealing for the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem with multiple cross-docks
FY Vincent, P Jewpanya, AANP Redi, YC Tsao
Computers & operations research 129, 105205, 2021
Applying Protection Motivation Theory to understand generation z students intention to comply with educational software anti piracy law
B Miraja, S Persada, Y Prasetyo, P Belgiawan, AAN Redi
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 14 (18), 39-52, 2019
Investigating the role of environmental concern and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology on working from home technologies adoption during COVID-19
M Razif, BA Miraja, SF Persada, R Nadlifatin, PF Belgiawan, AANP Redi, ...
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 8 (1), 795, 2020
Revealing the behavior intention of tech-savvy generation Z to use electronic wallet usage: A theory of planned behavior based measurement
SF Persada, I Dalimunte, R Nadlifatin, BA Miraja, AANP Redi, ...
International Journal of Business and Society 22 (1), 213-226, 2021
The effect of job stress to employee performance: Case study of manufacturing industry in Indonesia
DL Sari, H Storyna, R Intan, P Sinaga, FE Gunawan, M Asrol, AANP Redi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 794 (1), 012085, 2021
Determining factors affecting the acceptance of medical education elearning platforms during the covid-19 pandemic in the philippines: Utaut2 approach
YT Prasetyo, RAC Roque, T Chuenyindee, MN Young, JFT Diaz, ...
Healthcare 9 (7), 780, 2021
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