Christelle Vancutsem
Christelle Vancutsem
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ec.europa.eu
Evaluation of MODIS land surface temperature data to estimate air temperature in different ecosystems over Africa
C Vancutsem, P Ceccato, T Dinku, SJ Connor
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (2), 449-465, 2010
Mapping global cropland and field size
S Fritz, L See, I McCallum, L You, A Bun, E Moltchanova, M Duerauer, ...
Global change biology 21 (5), 1980-1992, 2015
Long-term (1990–2019) monitoring of forest cover changes in the humid tropics
C Vancutsem, F Achard, JF Pekel, G Vieilledent, S Carboni, D Simonetti, ...
Science advances 7 (10), eabe1603, 2021
GlobCover: ESA service for global land cover from MERIS
O Arino, D Gross, F Ranera, M Leroy, P Bicheron, C Brockman, ...
2007 IEEE international geoscience and remote sensing symposium, 2412-2415, 2007
GLOBCOVER-Products description and validation report
P Bicheron, P Defourny, C Brockmann, L Schouten, C Vancutsem, M HUC, ...
A near real-time water surface detection method based on HSV transformation of MODIS multi-spectral time series data
JF Pekel, C Vancutsem, L Bastin, M Clerici, E Vanbogaert, E Bartholomé, ...
Remote sensing of environment 140, 704-716, 2014
Harmonizing and combining existing land cover/land use datasets for cropland area monitoring at the African continental scale
C Vancutsem, E Marinho, F Kayitakire, L See, S Fritz
Remote Sensing 5 (1), 19-41, 2012
Persistent collapse of biomass in Amazonian forest edges following deforestation leads to unaccounted carbon losses
CHL Silva Junior, LEOC Aragão, LO Anderson, MG Fonseca, ...
Science Advances 6 (40), eaaz8360, 2020
GLOBCOVER: a 300 m global land cover product for 2005 using Envisat MERIS time series
P Defourny, C Vancutsem, P Bicheron, C Brockmann, F Nino, L Schouten, ...
Proceedings of ISPRS Commission VII Mid-Term Symposium: Remote Sensing: from …, 2006
A land cover map of Africa. Carte de l’occupation du sol de l’Afrique
P Mayaux, E Bartholomé, M Massart, C Van Cutsem, A Cabral, ...
European Commission, Joint Research Center, EUR 20665, 2003
Accuracy assessment of a 300 m global land cover map: The GlobCover experience
P Defourny, L Schouten, S Bartalev, S Bontemps, P Caccetta, AJW De Wit, ...
The carbon sink of secondary and degraded humid tropical forests
VHA Heinrich, C Vancutsem, R Dalagnol, TM Rosan, D Fawcett, ...
Nature 615 (7952), 436-442, 2023
Mean Compositing, an alternative strategy for producing temporal syntheses. Concepts and performance assessment for SPOT VEGETATION time series
C Vancutsem, JF Pekel, P Bogaert, P Defourny
International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (22), 5123-5141, 2007
The need for improved maps of global cropland
S Fritz, L See, L You, C Justice, I Becker‐Reshef, L Bydekerke, R Cumani, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 94 (3), 31-32, 2013
Development and application of multi-temporal colorimetric transformation to monitor vegetation in the desert locust habitat
JF Pekel, P Ceccato, C Vancutsem, K Cressman, E Vanbogaert, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2011
Mapping and characterizing the vegetation types of the Democratic Republic of Congo using SPOT VEGETATION time series
C Vancutsem, JF Pekel, C Evrard, F Malaisse, P Defourny
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 11 (1 …, 2009
A vectorial capacity product to monitor changing malaria transmission potential in epidemic regions of Africa
P Ceccato, C Vancutsem, R Klaver, J Rowland, SJ Connor
Journal of tropical medicine 2012 (1), 595948, 2012
Evaluation of agreement between space remote sensing SPOT-VEGETATION fAPAR time series
M Meroni, C Atzberger, C Vancutsem, N Gobron, F Baret, R Lacaze, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51 (4), 1951-1962, 2012
Towards operational monitoring of forest canopy disturbance in evergreen rain forests: A test case in continental Southeast Asia
A Langner, J Miettinen, M Kukkonen, C Vancutsem, D Simonetti, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (4), 544, 2018
Amazonian forest degradation must be incorporated into the COP26 agenda
CHL Silva Junior, NS Carvalho, ACM Pessôa, JBC Reis, A Pontes-Lopes, ...
Nature Geoscience 14 (9), 634-635, 2021
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