Quinn Webber
Quinn Webber
Assistant Professor, University of Guelph
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An evolutionary framework outlining the integration of individual social and spatial ecology
QMR Webber, E Vander Wal
Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (1), 113-127, 2018
Trends and perspectives on the use of animal social network analysis in behavioural ecology: a bibliometric approach
QMR Webber, E Vander Wal
Animal Behaviour 149, 77-87, 2019
Conducting social network analysis with animal telemetry data: applications and methods using spatsoc
AL Robitalle, QMR Webber, E Vander Wal
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2019
Behavioural ecology at the spatial-social interface
Q Webber, G Albery, DR Farine, N Pinter-Wollman, N Sharma, O Spiegel, ...
Biological Reviews, 2023
Space use and social association in a gregarious ungulate: testing the conspecific attraction and resource dispersion hypotheses
M Peignier, QMR Webber, EL Koen, MP Laforge, AL Robitaille, ...
Ecology and evolution 9 (9), 5133-5145, 2019
Social network characteristics and predicted pathogen transmission in summer colonies of female big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus)
QMR Webber, RM Brigham, AD Park, EH Gillam, TJ O’Shea, CKR Willis
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70, 701-712, 2016
The ecology of individual differences empirically applied to space-use and movement tactics
QMR Webber, MP Laforge, M Bonar, AL Robitaille, C Hart, ...
The American Naturalist, 2020
Spatial variation of mercury bioaccumulation in bats of Canada linked to atmospheric mercury deposition
J Chételat, MBC Hickey, AJ Poulain, A Dastoor, A Ryjkov, D McAlpine, ...
Science of the Total Environment 626, 668-677, 2018
Host behaviour, age and sex correlate with ectoparasite prevalence and intensity in a colonial mammal, the little brown bat
QMR Webber, LP McGuire, SB Smith, CKR Willis
Behaviour 152 (1), 83-105, 2015
Molecular Detection of Candidatus Bartonella mayotimonensis in North American Bats
TM Lilley, CA Wilson, RF Bernard, EV Willcox, EJ Vesterinen, ...
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 17 (4), 243-246, 2017
What do caribou eat? A review of the literature on caribou diet
QMR Webber, KM Ferraro, JG Hendrix, E Vander Wal
Canadian Journal of Zoology 100 (3), 197-207, 2022
Personality predicts ectoparasite abundance in an asocial sciurid
SJ Bohn, QMR Webber, KRN Florko, KR Paslawski, AM Peterson, ...
Ethology 123 (10), 761-771, 2017
Is less more? A commentary on the practice of ‘metric hacking’in animal social network analysis
QMR Webber, DC Schneider, E Vander Wal
Animal Behaviour 168, 109-120, 2020
An experimental test of effects of ambient temperature and roost quality on aggregation by little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus)
QMR Webber, CKR Willis
Journal of Thermal Biology 74, 174-180, 2018
Modelling the potential efficacy of treatments for white‐nose syndrome in bats
QE Fletcher, QMR Webber, CKR Willis
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2020
Correlations between personality traits and roosting behaviours suggest a behavioural syndrome in little brown bats
QMR Webber, CKR Willis
Behaviour 157 (2), 143-183, 2020
The problem and promise of scale in multilayer animal social networks
AL Robitaille, QMR Webber, JW Turner, E Vander Wal
Current Zoology 67 (1), 113-123, 2021
Sociality, parasites, and pathogens in bats
QMR Webber, CKR Willis
Sociality in bats, 105-139, 2016
Geometry of the ideal free distribution: individual behavioural variation and annual reproductive success in aggregations of a social ungulate
M Bonar, KP Lewis, QMR Webber, M Dobbin, MP Laforge, E Vander Wal
Ecology Letters, 2020
Consistent individual differences and population plasticity in network-derived sociality: An experimental manipulation of density in a gregarious ungulate
PP O’Brien, QMR Webber, E Vander Wal
PloS one 13 (3), e0193425, 2018
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