Gill R Tsouri
Gill R Tsouri
Druga imenaGill Tsouri, G. Tsouri, G. R. Tsouri
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na rit.edu - Domača stran
Estimating cardiac pulse recovery from multi-channel source data via constrained source separation
LK Mestha, K Survi, GR Tsouri, SA Dianat, B Xu
US Patent 8,617,081, 2013
On the benefits of alternative color spaces for noncontact heart rate measurements using standard red-green-blue cameras
GR Tsouri, Z Li
Journal of biomedical optics 20 (4), 048002-048002, 2015
Constrained independent component analysis approach to nonobtrusive pulse rate measurements
GR Tsouri, S Kyal, S Dianat, LK Mestha
Journal of biomedical optics 17 (7), 077011-077011, 2012
On increasing network lifetime in body area networks using global routing with energy consumption balancing
GR Tsouri, A Prieto, N Argade
Sensors 12 (10), 13088-13108, 2012
Securing while sampling in wireless body area networks with application to electrocardiography
R Dautov, GR Tsouri
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 20 (1), 135-142, 2014
Patient-specific 12-lead ECG reconstruction from sparse electrodes using independent component analysis
GR Tsouri, MH Ostertag
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 18 (2), 476-482, 2013
Detection of atrial fibrillation using an earlobe photoplethysmographic sensor
T Conroy, JH Guzman, B Hall, G Tsouri, JP Couderc
Physiological measurement 38 (10), 1906, 2017
Establishing secure measurement matrix for compressed sensing using wireless physical layer security
R Dautov, GR Tsouri
2013 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2013
Low-power body sensor network for wireless ECG based on relaying of creeping waves at 2.4 GHz
A Sapio, GR Tsouri
2010 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks, 167-173, 2010
Securing OFDM over wireless time-varying channels using subcarrier overloading with joint signal constellations
GR Tsouri, D Wulich
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2009, 1-18, 2009
An investigation into relaying of creeping waves for reliable low-power body sensor networking
GR Tsouri, A Sapio, J Wilczewski
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 5 (4), 307-319, 2011
Peak to average power ratio in digital communications
D Wulich, L Goldfeld, GR Tsouri
Beer-Sheva 84105, 779-782, 2005
Reliable symmetric key generation for body area networks using wireless physical layer security in the presence of an on-body eavesdropper
GR Tsouri, J Wilczewski
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Applied Sciences in …, 2011
Dynamic off-body Rician channel modeling for indoor wireless body area networks
R Dautov, GR Tsouri
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 24 (5), 1246-1254, 2019
On the benefits of creeping wave antennas in reducing interference between neighboring wireless body area networks
GR Tsouri, SR Zambito, J Venkataraman
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 11 (1), 153-160, 2016
Threshold constraints on symmetric key extraction from rician fading estimates
GR Tsouri, DM Wagner
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 12 (12), 2496-2506, 2012
Drip irrigation emitter, an irrigation pipe with a plurality of such emitters, method for producing such emitters and method of irrigation using them
GR Tsouri, N Ari
US Patent App. 15/773,079, 2018
Continuous and automated measuring of compliance of hand-hygiene procedures using finite state machines and RFID
R Johnson, GR Tsouri, E Walsh
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 15 (2), 8-12, 2012
Accurate hemodynamic sensing using video plethysmography with high quality cameras
JH Guzman, JP Couderc, GR Tsouri
2019 13th International Symposium on medical information and communication …, 2019
Monitoring pharmacy student adherence to World Health Organization hand hygiene indications using radio frequency identification
AS Decker, GC Cipriano, G Tsouri, JE Lavigne
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 80 (3), 51, 2016
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