Shahadat Uddin
Comparing different supervised machine learning algorithms for disease prediction
S Uddin, A Khan, ME Hossain, MA Moni
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 19 (1), 1-16, 2019
Comparative performance analysis of K-nearest neighbour (KNN) algorithm and its different variants for disease prediction
S Uddin, I Haque, H Lu, MA Moni, E Gide
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 6256, 2022
A Comparative Performance Analysis of Data Resampling Methods on Imbalance Medical Data
M Khushi, K Shaukat, TM Alam, IA Hameed, S Uddin, S Luo, X Yang, ...
IEEE Access 9, 109960-109975, 2021
Trend and efficiency analysis of co-authorship network
S Uddin, L Hossain, A Abbasi, K Rasmussen
Scientometrics 90 (2), 687-699, 2012
Machine Learning-Based Models for Early Stage Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders
T Akter, MS Satu, MI Khan, MH Ali, S Uddin, P Lió, JMW Quinn, MA Moni
IEEE Access 7 (1), 166509 - 166527, 2019
Network effects on scientific collaborations
S Uddin, L Hossain, K Rasmussen
PLOS ONE 8 (2), e57546, 2013
A machine learning model to identify early stage symptoms of SARS-Cov-2 infected patients
MM Ahamad, S Aktar, M Rashed-Al-Mahfuz, S Uddin, P Liò, H Xu, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 160, 113661, 2020
Evolutionary dynamics of scientific collaboration networks: multi-levels and cross-time analysis
A Abbasi, L Hossain, S Uddin, KJR Rasmussen
Scientometrics 89 (2), 687, 2011
Emotion Recognition From EEG Signal Focusing on Deep Learning and Shallow Learning Techniques
MR Islam, MA Moni, MM Islam, M Rashed-Al-Mahfuz, MS Islam, ...
IEEE Access 9, 94601-94624, 2021
The impact of author-selected keywords on citation counts
S Uddin, A Khan
Journal of Informetrics 10 (4), 1166-1177, 2016
A patient network-based machine learning model for disease prediction: The case of type 2 diabetes mellitus
H Lu, S Uddin, F Hajati, MA Moni, M Khushi
Applied Intelligence 52 (3), 2411-2422, 2022
Ensemble Learning for Disease Prediction: A Review
P Mahajan, S Uddin, F Hajati, MA Moni
Healthcare 11 (12), 1808, 2023
A deep convolutional neural network method to detect seizures and characteristic frequencies using epileptic electroencephalogram (EEG) data
M Rashed-Al-Mahfuz, MA Moni, S Uddin, SA Alyami, MA Summers, ...
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 2021
Comorbidity network for chronic disease: A novel approach to understand type 2 diabetes progression
A Khan, S Uddin, U Srinivasan
International Journal of Medical Informatics 115, 1-9, 2018
How did socio-demographic status and personal attributes influence compliance to COVID-19 preventive behaviours during the early outbreak in Japan? Lessons for pandemic management
S Uddin, T Imam, M Khushi, A Khan, MA Moni
Personality and individual differences 175, 110692, 2021
A deep learning approach using effective preprocessing techniques to detect COVID-19 from chest CT-scan and X-ray images
KU Ahamed, M Islam, A Uddin, A Akhter, BK Paul, MA Yousuf, S Uddin, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 139, 105014, 2021
TClustVID: A novel machine learning classification model to investigate topics and sentiment in covid-19 tweets
MS Satu, MI Khan, M Mahmud, S Uddin, MA Summers, JMW Quinn, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 226, 107126, 2021
GRU-INC: An inception-attention based approach using GRU for human activity recognition
TR Mim, M Amatullah, S Afreen, MA Yousuf, S Uddin, SA Alyami, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 216, 119419, 2023
Longitudinal trends in global obesity research and collaboration: a review using bibliometric metadata
A Khan, N Choudhury, S Uddin, L Hossain, LA Baur
Obesity Reviews 17 (4), 377-385, 2016
Network analytics and machine learning for predictive risk modelling of cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes
ME Hossain, S Uddin, A Khan
Expert Systems with Applications 164, 113918, 2021
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