Hong Jiang
Performance impact and interplay of SSD parallelism through advanced commands, allocation strategy and data granularity
Y Hu, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, H Luo, S Zhang
Proceedings of the international conference on Supercomputing, 96-107, 2011
A comprehensive study of the past, present, and future of data deduplication
W Xia, H Jiang, D Feng, F Douglis, P Shilane, Y Hua, M Fu, Y Zhang, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 104 (9), 1681-1710, 2016
Dynamic-hash-table based public auditing for secure cloud storage
H Tian, Y Chen, CC Chang, H Jiang, Y Huang, Y Chen, J Liu
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 10 (5), 701-714, 2015
SiLo: a similarity-locality based near-exact deduplication scheme with low RAM overhead and high throughput
W Xia, H Jiang, D Feng, Y Hua
Proceedings of the 2011 USENIX conference on USENIX annual technical …, 2011
Exploring and exploiting the multilevel parallelism inside SSDs for improved performance and endurance
Y Hu, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, H Luo, C Ren
IEEE Transactions on Computers 62 (6), 1141-1155, 2012
A novel fault-tolerant scheduling algorithm for precedence constrained tasks in real-time heterogeneous systems
X Qin, H Jiang
Parallel Computing 32 (5-6), 331-356, 2006
{MatrixKV}: Reducing write stalls and write amplification in {LSM-tree} based {KV} stores with matrix container in {NVM}
T Yao, Y Zhang, J Wan, Q Cui, L Tang, H Jiang, C Xie, X He
2020 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 20), 17-31, 2020
A dynamic and reliability-driven scheduling algorithm for parallel real-time jobs executing on heterogeneous clusters
X Qin, H Jiang
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 65 (8), 885-900, 2005
HPDA: A hybrid parity-based disk array for enhanced performance and reliability
B Mao, H Jiang, D Feng, S Wu, J Chen, L Zeng, L Tian
Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS), 2010 IEEE International Symposium …, 2010
PRO: A popularity-based multi-threaded reconstruction optimization for RAID-structured storage systems
L Tian, D Feng, H Jiang, K Zhou, L Zeng, J Chen, Z Wang, Z Song
Proceedings of the 5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies …, 2007
{FastCDC}: A fast and efficient {Content-Defined} chunking approach for data deduplication
W Xia, Y Zhou, H Jiang, D Feng, Y Hua, Y Hu, Q Liu, Y Zhang
2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 16), 101-114, 2016
Mad2: A scalable high-throughput exact deduplication approach for network backup services
J Wei, H Jiang, K Zhou, D Feng
Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 2010 IEEE 26th Symposium on, 1-14, 2010
An efficient fault-tolerant scheduling algorithm for real-time tasks with precedence constraints in heterogeneous systems
X Qin, H Jiang, DR Swanson
Proceedings international conference on parallel processing, 360-368, 2002
P-Code: a new RAID-6 code with optimal properties
C Jin, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Supercomputing, 360-369, 2009
DEBAR: A scalable high-performance de-duplication storage system for backup and archiving
T Yang, H Jiang, D Feng, Z Niu, K Zhou, Y Wan
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2010
Workout: I/O workload outsourcing for boosting RAID reconstruction performance
S Wu, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, B Mao
Proccedings of the 7th conference on File and storage technologies, 239-252, 2009
HBA: Distributed metadata management for large cluster-based storage systems
Y Zhu, H Jiang, J Wang, F Xian
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 19 (6), 750-763, 2008
AA-Dedupe: An Application-Aware Source Deduplication Approach for Cloud Backup Services in the Personal Computing Environment
Y Fu, H Jiang, N Xiao, L Tian, F Liu
Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 112-120, 2011
SAM: A Semantic-Aware Multi-tiered Source De-duplication Framework for Cloud Backup
Y Tan, H Jiang, D Feng, L Tian, Z Yan, G Zhou
Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2010 39th International Conference on, 614-623, 2010
AE: An asymmetric extremum content defined chunking algorithm for fast and bandwidth-efficient data deduplication
Y Zhang, H Jiang, D Feng, W Xia, M Fu, F Huang, Y Zhou
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 1337-1345, 2015
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