Elmiro Santos Resende
Elmiro Santos Resende
Professor Titular de Cardiologia. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ufu.br - Domača stran
The effects of aerobic, resistance, and combined exercise on metabolic control, inflammatory markers, adipocytokines, and muscle insulin signaling in patients with type 2 …
MLMP Jorge, VN de Oliveira, NM Resende, LF Paraiso, A Calixto, ...
Metabolism 60 (9), 1244-1252, 2011
Improving patient access to specialized health care: the Telehealth Network of Minas Gerais, Brazil
MB Alkmim, RM Figueira, MS Marcolino, CS Cardoso, MP Abreu, ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 90, 373-378, 2012
Abdominal obesity and association with atherosclerosis risk factors: the Uberlândia Heart Study
LS Roever, ES Resende, ALD Diniz, N Penha-Silva, FC Veloso, ...
Medicine 95 (11), e1357, 2016
Social jetlag among night workers is negatively associated with the frequency of moderate or vigorous physical activity and with energy expenditure related to physical activity
MS Alves, RZ Andrade, GC Silva, MC Mota, SG Resende, KR Teixeira, ...
Journal of Biological Rhythms 32 (1), 83-93, 2017
Perirenal fat and association with metabolic risk factors: the Uberlândia Heart Study
L Roever, ES Resende, FC Veloso, ALD Diniz, N Penha-Silva, ...
Medicine 94 (38), e1105, 2015
Development and evaluation of a mobile decision support system for hypertension management in the primary care setting in Brazil: mixed-methods field study on usability …
DV Silveira, MS Marcolino, EL Machado, CG Ferreira, MBM Alkmim, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (3), e9869, 2019
The role for cardiovascular remodeling in cardiovascular outcomes
NK Sekaran, AL Crowley, FR de Souza, ES Resende, SV Rao
Current atherosclerosis reports 19, 1-11, 2017
Implementation of a telecardiology system in the state of Minas Gerais: the Minas Telecardio Project
ALP Ribeiro, MB Alkmim, CS Cardoso, GGR Carvalho, WT Caiaffa, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 95, 70-78, 2010
Correlations of the glycemic variability with oxidative stress and erythrocytes membrane stability in patients with type 1 diabetes under intensive treatment
R Rodrigues, LA de Medeiros, LM Cunha, M da Silva Garrote-Filho, ...
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 144, 153-160, 2018
Effect of thyroid hormones on cardiovascular and muscle systems and on exercise tolerance: a brief review
A Gonçalves, ES Resende, MLMP Fernandes, AM Costa
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 87, e45-e47, 2006
Resposta do duplo produto e pressão arterial diastólica em exercício de esteira, bicicleta estacionária e circuito na musculação
LTP Lopes, A Gonçalves, ES Resende
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano 8 (2), 53-58, 2006
Implantación de un sistema de telecardiología en Minas Gerais: proyecto Minas Telecardio
ALP Ribeiro, MB Alkmim, CS Cardoso, GGR Carvalho, WT Caiaffa, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 95, 70-78, 2010
Análise de registros eletrocardiográficos associados ao infarto agudo do miocárdio
PHG Mansur, LKP Cury, JB Destro-Filho, ES Resende, JPB Destro, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 87, 106-114, 2006
Effect of exercise on epicardial adipose tissue in adults: a systematic review and meta-analyses
T Colonetti, AJ Grande, MC Amaral, L Colonetti, ML Uggioni, MI da Rosa, ...
Heart failure reviews, 1-13, 2021
Effects of exercise training and statin use in people living with human immunodeficiency virus with dyslipidemia
HR Zanetti, A Goncalves, LTP Lopes, EL Mendes, L Roever, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 52 (1), 16-24, 2020
Evolution of nutritional, hematologic and biochemical changes in obese women during 8 weeks after Roux-en-Y gastric bypasss
VCA Rocha, LR De Arvelos, GP Felix, DNP De Souza, MB Neto, ...
Nutrición Hospitalaria 27 (4), 1134-1140, 2012
Ectopic adiposopathy and association with cardiovascular disease risk factors: The Uberlândia Heart Study
L Roever, ES Resende, ALD Diniz, N Penha-Silva, FC Veloso, ...
International Journal of Cardiology 190, 140-142, 2015
Perfil dos pacientes com infarto do miocárdio, em um hospital universitário
LM Coelho, ES Resende
Rev Med Minas Gerais [Internet] 20 (3), 323-8, 2010
Bivariate and multivariate analyses of the influence of blood variables of patients submitted to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on the stability of erythrocyte membrane against the …
LR de Arvelos, VCA Rocha, GP Felix, CC da Cunha, M Bernardino Neto, ...
The Journal of membrane biology 246, 231-242, 2013
Metabolic syndrome and risk of stroke: protocol for an update systematic review and meta-analysis
L Roever, ES Resende, ALD Diniz, N Penha-Silva, JL O’Connell, ...
Medicine 97 (15), e9862, 2018
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