Ebrahim Rahimi
Facilitating student-driven constructing of learning environments using Web 2.0 personal learning environments
E Rahimi, J van den Berg, W Veen
Computers & Education 81, 235–246 doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2014.10.01, 2015
The role of motivation in MOOCs’ retention rates: a systematic literature review
M Badali, J Hatami, SK Banihashem, E Rahimi, O Noroozi, Z Eslami
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 17 (1), 5, 2022
A learning model for enhancing the student’s control in educational process using Web 2.0 personal learning environments
E Rahimi, J Van den Berg, W Veen
British Journal of Educational Technology, doi:10.1111/bjet.121, 2014
Integrating ARCS motivational model and flipped teaching in L2 classrooms: A case of EFL expository writing
A Mirzaei, H Shafiee Rad, E Rahimi
Computer Assisted Language Learning 37 (5-6), 1136-1165, 2024
A Pedagogy-driven Framework for Integrating Web 2.0 tools into Educational Practices and Building Personal Learning Environments
E Rahimi, J van den Berg, W Veen
Journal of Literacy and Technology, Special Edition: Papers from the 2013 …, 2014
Designing and Implementing PLEs in a Secondary School Using Web2.0 Tools
E Rahimi, J Van den Berg, W Veen
PLE conference 2012, 2012
A roadmap for building web2. 0-based personal learning environments in educational settings
E Rahimi, J van den Berg, W Veen
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Personal Learning …, 2013
Identifying students’ misconceptions on basic algorithmic concepts through flowchart analysis
E Rahimi, E Barendsen, I Henze
Informatics in Schools: Focus on Learning Programming: 10th International …, 2017
A Design Framework for Personal Learning Environments
E Rahimi
Delft University of Technology, 2015
A framework for designing enhanced learning activities in web2.0-based Personal Learning Environments
E Rahimi, J Van den Berg, W Veen
EdMedia 2013, 2222-2231, 2013
Typifying informatics teachers’ PCK of designing digital artefacts in Dutch upper secondary education
E Rahimi, E Barendsen, I Henze
Informatics in Schools: Improvement of Informatics Knowledge and Perception …, 2016
Investigating teachers’ perception about the educational benefits of Web 2.0 personal learning environments
E Rahimi, J van den Berg, W Veen
eLearning Papers, 2013
An instructional model to link designing and conceptual understanding in secondary computer science education
E Rahimi, E Barendsen, I Henze
Proceedings of the 13th workshop in primary and secondary computing …, 2018
Fostering online interaction in blended learning through social presence and convergence: A systematic literature review
N van Der Stap, T van den Bogaart, E Rahimi, J Versendaal
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 40 (4), 1712-1726, 2024
Towards teaching strategies addressing online learning in blended learning courses for adult-learners
N van der Stap, T van den Bogaart, S van Ginkel, E Rahimi, J Versendaal
Computers & Education 219, 105103, 2024
The role of motivation in MOOCs’ retention rates: a systematic literature review. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 17 (1)
M Badali, J Hatami, SK Banihashem, E Rahimi, O Noroozi, Z Eslami
Springer Science and Business Media LLC. http://dx. doi. org/10.1186/s41039 …, 2022
Investigating the Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Teachers Attending a MOOC on Scratch Programming
E Rahimi, I Henze, F Hermans, E Barendsen
Pozdniakov S., Dagienė V. (eds) Informatics in Schools. Fundamentals of …, 2018
Principles to facilitate design-based learning environments for programming in secondary education while making learning visible in an authentic way
B Van Zadelhoff, E Rahimi, E Barendsen
Proceedings of the 21st Koli Calling International Conference on Computing …, 2021
Investigating teachers’ perceptions about the educational benefits of Web 2.0 personal learning environments
E Rahimi, J van den Berg, W Veen
eLearning Papers, 7, 2013
Investigating relationship between self- and coregulatory learning processes in a workplace e-learning system
E Rahimi, S Tampinongkol, M Sedighi, J Van den Berg, W Veen
European Distance and E-Learnin Network 2014 Annual Conference, 59-72, 2014
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