Pau Martín
Oscillatory motions for the restricted planar circular three body problem
M Guardia, P Martín, TM Seara
Inventiones mathematicae 203 (2), 417-492, 2016
The parameterization method for one-dimensional invariant manifolds of higher dimensional parabolic fixed points
I Baldomá, E Fontich, R De La Llave, P Martín
Discrete and continuous dynamical systems 17 (4), 835, 2007
Differentiable invariant manifolds for partially hyperbolic tori and alambda lemma
E Fontich, P Martín
Nonlinearity 13 (5), 1561, 2000
Arnold diffusion in perturbations of analytic integrable Hamiltonian systems
E Fontich, P Martín
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 7 (1), 61-84, 2001
Oscillatory orbits in the restricted elliptic planar three body problem
TMS M. Guàrdia, P. Martín
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 37 (1), 229-256, 2017
Exponentially small splitting of separatrices in the perturbed McMillan map
P Martín, D Sauzin, TM Seara
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, 2009
Resurgence of inner solutions for perturbations of the McMillan map
P Martín, D Sauzin, TM Seara
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, 2009
Hamiltonian systems with orbits covering densely submanifolds of small codimension
E Fontich, P Martın
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 52 (1), 315-327, 2003
Invariant manifolds of parabolic fixed points (I). Existence and dependence on parameters
I Baldomá, E Fontich, P Martín
Journal of Differential Equations 268 (9), 5516-5573, 2020
Gevrey estimates for one dimensional parabolic invariant manifolds of non-hyperbolic fixed points
PM I. Baldomá, E. Fontich
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 37 (8), 4159-4190, 2017
Chaotic-like transfers of energy in Hamiltonian PDEs
F Giuliani, M Guardia, P Martin, S Pasquali
Communications in Mathematical Physics 384 (2), 1227-1290, 2021
Invariant manifolds of parabolic fixed points (II). Approximations by sums of homogeneous functions
I Baldomá, E Fontich, P Martín
Journal of Differential Equations 268 (9), 5574-5627, 2020
Dynamical systems on lattices with decaying interaction II: hyperbolic sets and their invariant manifolds
E Fontich, R de la Llave, P Martín
Journal of Differential Equations 250 (6), 2887-2926, 2011
Dynamical systems on lattices with decaying interaction I: a functional analysis framework
E Fontich, R de la Llave, P Martín
Journal of Differential Equations 250 (6), 2838-2886, 2011
Ageing of an oscillator due to frequency switching
C Bonet, MR Jeffrey, P Martín, JM Olm
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 102, 105950, 2021
The inner equation for generalized standard maps
I Baldomá, P Martín
SIAM journal on applied dynamical systems 11 (3), 1062-1097, 2012
Arnold diffusion in perturbations of analytic exact symplectic maps
E Fontich, P Martı́n
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 42 (8), 1397-1412, 2000
Novel slow–fast behaviour in an oscillator driven by a frequency-switching force
C Bonet, MR Jeffrey, P Martín, JM Olm
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 118, 107032, 2023
Whiskered Parabolic Tori in the Planar -Body Problem
I Baldomá, E Fontich, P Martín
Communications in Mathematical Physics 374 (1), 63-110, 2020
Hyperbolic dynamics and oscillatory motions in the 3 body problem
M Guardia, P Martín, J Paradela, TM Seara
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.14351, 2022
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