Jacky Croke
Jacky Croke
Director, QUT Resilience Centre, Queensland University of Technology.
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A genetic classification of floodplains
GC Nanson, JC Croke
Geomorphology 4 (6), 459-486, 1992
The concept of hydrological connectivity and its contribution to understanding runoff‐dominated geomorphic systems
LJ Bracken, J Croke
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 21 (13), 1749-1763, 2007
Gully initiation and road‐to‐stream linkage in a forested catchment, southeastern Australia
J Croke, S Mockler
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2001
Sediment concentration changes in runoff pathways from a forest road network and the resultant spatial pattern of catchment connectivity
J Croke, S Mockler, P Fogarty, I Takken
Geomorphology 68 (3-4), 257-268, 2005
Sediment delivery in managed forests: a review
JC Croke, PB Hairsine
Environmental Reviews 14 (1), 59-87, 2006
Soil recovery from track construction and harvesting changes in surface infiltration, erosion and delivery rates with time
J Croke, P Hairsine, P Fogarty
Forest Ecology and Management 143 (1-3), 3-12, 2001
Sediment source changes over the last 250 years in a dry-tropical catchment, central Queensland, Australia
AO Hughes, JM Olley, JC Croke, LA McKergow
Geomorphology 104 (3-4), 262-275, 2009
Geomorphic effects, flood power, and channel competence of a catastrophic flood in confined and unconfined reaches of the upper Lockyer valley, southeast Queensland, Australia
C Thompson, J Croke
Geomorphology 197, 156-169, 2013
Sediment transport, redistribution and storage on logged forest hillslopes in south‐eastern Australia
J Croke, P Hairsine, P Fogarty
Hydrological Processes 13 (17), 2705-2720, 1999
Quantifying different riverbank erosion processes during an extreme flood event
J R. Grove, J Croke, C Thompson
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38 (12), 1393-1406, 2013
Runoff generation and re-distribution in logged eucalyptus forests, south-eastern Australia
J Croke, P Hairsine, P Fogarty
Journal of Hydrology 216 (1-2), 56-77, 1999
Channel–floodplain connectivity during an extreme flood event: implications for sediment erosion, deposition, and delivery
J Croke, K Fryirs, C Thompson
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 38 (12), 1444-1456, 2013
The use of multi temporal LiDAR to assess basin-scale erosion and deposition following the catastrophic January 2011 Lockyer flood, SE Queensland, Australia
J Croke, P Todd, C Thompson, F Watson, R Denham, G Khanal
Geomorphology 184, 111-126, 2013
Modelling runoff and soil erosion in logged forests: scope and application of some existing models
J Croke, M Nethery
Catena 67 (1), 35-49, 2006
Major episodes of Quaternary activity in the lower Neales River, northwest of Lake Eyre, central Australia
J Croke, J Magee, D Price
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 124 (1-2), 1-15, 1996
Modelling plumes of overland flow from logging tracks
PB Hairsine, JC Croke, H Mathews, P Fogarty, SP Mockler
Hydrological Processes 16 (12), 2311-2327, 2002
A combined rainfall simulator and tracer approach to assess the role of Best Management Practices in minimising sediment redistribution and loss in forests after harvesting
PJ Wallbrink, J Croke
Forest ecology and management 170 (1-3), 217-232, 2002
Prioritising the placement of riparian vegetation to reduce flood risk and end-of-catchment sediment yields: Important considerations in hydrologically-variable regions
J Croke, C Thompson, K Fryirs
Journal of Environmental Management 190, 9-19, 2017
Relative contributions of runoff and sediment from sources within a road prism and implications for total sediment delivery
J Croke, S Mockler, P Hairsine, P Fogarty
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2006
A morpho-statistical classification of mountain stream reach types in southeastern Australia
CJ Thompson, J Croke, R Ogden, P Wallbrink
Geomorphology 81 (1-2), 43-65, 2006
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