Avinash Sinha
Avinash Sinha
Professor of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
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Control techniques in AC, DC, and hybrid AC–DC microgrid: A review
SK Sahoo, AK Sinha, NK Kishore
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 6 (2), 738-759, 2017
Congestion management using multiobjective particle swarm optimization
J Hazra, AK Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (4), 1726-1734, 2007
An optimal PMU placement technique for power system observability
BKS Roy, AK Sinha, AK Pradhan
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 42 (1), 71-77, 2012
Power system real-time monitoring by using PMU-based robust state estimation method
J Zhao, G Zhang, K Das, GN Korres, NM Manousakis, AK Sinha, Z He
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (1), 300-309, 2015
A multi‐objective optimal power flow using particle swarm optimization
J Hazra, AK Sinha
European transactions on electrical power 21 (1), 1028-1045, 2011
A computationally simple method for cost-efficient generation rescheduling and load shedding for congestion management
BK Talukdar, AK Sinha, S Mukhopadhyay, A Bose
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 27 (5-6), 379-388, 2005
Methotrexate used in combination with aminolaevulinic acid for photodynamic killing of prostate cancer cells
AK Sinha, S Anand, BJ Ortel, Y Chang, Z Mai, T Hasan, EV Maytin
British journal of cancer 95 (4), 485-495, 2006
Ultrasound imaging for popliteal sciatic nerve block
A Sinha, VWS Chan
Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine 29 (2), 130-134, 2004
Dynamic state estimator using ANN based bus load prediction
AK Sinha, JK Mondal
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 14 (4), 1219-1225, 1999
A wavelet multiresolution analysis for location of faults on transmission lines
D Chanda, NK Kishore, AK Sinha
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 25 (1), 59-69, 2003
A comparative study of voltage stability indices in a power system
AK Sinha, D Hazarika
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 22 (8), 589-596, 2000
Incorporating nonlinearities of measurement function in power system dynamic state estimation
JK Mandal, AK Sinha, L Roy
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 142 (3), 289-296, 1995
Differentiation enhances aminolevulinic acid-dependent photodynamic treatment of LNCaP prostate cancer cells
B Ortel, D Sharlin, D O'Donnell, AK Sinha, EV Maytin, T Hasan
British journal of cancer 87 (11), 1321-1327, 2002
Bäcklund transformations and local conservation laws for principal chiral fields
AT Ogielski, MK Prasad, A Sinha, LLC Wang
Physics Letters B 91 (3-4), 387-391, 1980
Boriding (Boronizing) ASM handbook
AK Sinha
Heat Treating 4, 437, 1991
A comparison of Fourier transform and wavelet transform methods for detection and classification of faults on transmission lines
D Das, NK Singh, AK Sinha
2006 IEEE Power India Conference, 7 pp., 2006
A non-iterative partial discharge source location method for transformers employing acoustic emission techniques
P Kundu, NK Kishore, AK Sinha
Applied Acoustics 70 (11-12), 1378-1383, 2009
Non-local continuity equations for self-dual SU (N) Yang-Mills fields
MK Prasad, A Sinha, WLL Chau
Physics Letters B 87 (3), 237-238, 1979
Application of wavelet multiresolution analysis for identification and classification of faults on transmission lines
D Chanda, NK Kishore, AK Sinha
Electric Power Systems Research 73 (3), 323-333, 2005
A study on estimation of age from pubic symphysis
A Sinha, V Gupta
Forensic science international 75 (1), 73-78, 1995
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