Review on formation damage mechanisms and processes in shale gas reservoir: Known and to be known C Xu, Y Kang, Z You, M Chen Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 36, 1208-1219, 2016 | 184 | 2016 |
Application of the augmented Lagrangian method to steady pipe flows of Bingham, Casson and Herschel–Bulkley fluids RR Huilgol, Z You Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 128 (2-3), 126-143, 2005 | 169 | 2005 |
A review of hydrogen/rock/brine interaction: Implications for Hydrogen Geo-storage M Aslannezhad, M Ali, A Kalantariasl, M Sayyafzadeh, Z You, S Iglauer, ... Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 95, 101066, 2023 | 155 | 2023 |
Asymptotic model for deep bed filtration Z You, Y Osipov, P Bedrikovetsky, L Kuzmina Chemical Engineering Journal 258, 374-385, 2014 | 133 | 2014 |
Mechanism and application of pulse hydraulic fracturing in improving drainage of coalbed methane J Xu, C Zhai, L Qin Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 40, 79-90, 2017 | 128 | 2017 |
Particle mobilization in porous media: temperature effects on competing electrostatic and drag forces Z You, P Bedrikovetsky, A Badalyan, M Hand Geophysical Research Letters 42 (8), 2852-2860, 2015 | 126 | 2015 |
Slow migration of mobilised fines during flow in reservoir rocks: Laboratory study PB MA Oliveira, ASL Vaz, FD Siqueira, Y Yang, Z You Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 122, 534-541, 2014 | 116 | 2014 |
Lost-circulation control for formation-damage prevention in naturally fractured reservoir: mathematical model and experimental study C Xu, Y Kang, L You, Z You SPE Journal 22 (05), 1,654-1,670, 2017 | 112 | 2017 |
Mathematical modelling of fines migration in geothermal reservoirs Z You, Y Yang, A Badalyan, P Bedrikovetsky, M Hand Geothermics 59, 123-133, 2016 | 108 | 2016 |
Effects of the Aspect Ratio on the Sedimentation of a Fiber in Newtonian Fluids J Lin, X Shi, Z You Journal of Aerosol Science 34 (7), 909-921, 2003 | 105 | 2003 |
Size-Exclusion Colloidal Transport in Porous Media--Stochastic Modeling and Experimental Study Z You, A Badalyan, P Bedrikovetsky SPE Journal 18 (04), 620-633, 2013 | 98 | 2013 |
Fines migration in geothermal reservoirs: Laboratory and mathematical modelling Z You, A Badalyan, Y Yang, P Bedrikovetsky, M Hand Geothermics 77, 344-367, 2019 | 97 | 2019 |
Slow migration of detached fine particles over rock surface in porous media Y Yang, FD Siqueira, ASL Vaz, Z You, P Bedrikovetsky Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 34, 1159-1173, 2016 | 94 | 2016 |
Pore characteristics of organic-rich shales with high thermal maturity: A case study of the Longmaxi gas shale reservoirs from well Yuye-1 in southeastern Chongqing, China M Shi, B Yu, Z Xue, J Wu, Y Yuan Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26, 948-959, 2015 | 94 | 2015 |
Massive fines detachment induced by moving gas-water interfaces during early stage two-phase flow in coalbed methane reservoirs F Huang, Y Kang, L You, X Li, Z You Fuel 222, 193-206, 2018 | 93 | 2018 |
Deep bed and cake filtration of two-size particle suspension in porous media RN Sacramento, Y Yang, Z You, A Waldmann, AL Martins, ASL Vaz, ... Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 126, 201-210, 2015 | 82 | 2015 |
Optimal operation of trunk natural gas pipelines via an inertia-adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm X Wu, C Li, W Jia, Y He Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 21, 10-18, 2014 | 81 | 2014 |
Effect of low velocity non-Darcy flow on pressure response in shale and tight oil reservoirs P Diwu, T Liu, Z You, B Jiang, J Zhou Fuel 216, 398-406, 2018 | 78 | 2018 |
Analytical model for straining-dominant large-retention depth filtration P Bedrikovetsky, Z You, A Badalyan, Y Osipov, L Kuzmina Chemical Engineering Journal 330, 1148-1159, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
A comprehensive overview on recent developments in refracturing technique for shale gas reservoirs M Shah, S Shah, A Sircar Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 46, 350-364, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |