Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage J Barney Journal of management 17 (1), 99-120, 1991 | 113155 | 1991 |
Strategic factor markets: Expectations, luck, and business strategy JB Barney Management science 32 (10), 1231-1241, 1986 | 10939 | 1986 |
Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage JB Barney (No Title), 1997 | 10273 | 1997 |
Organizational culture: can it be a source of sustained competitive advantage? JB Barney Academy of management review 11 (3), 656-665, 1986 | 8398 | 1986 |
Is the resource-based “view” a useful perspective for strategic management research? Yes JB Barney Academy of management review 26 (1), 41-56, 2001 | 8297* | 2001 |
Resource-based theories of competitive advantage: A ten-year retrospective on the resource-based view JB Barney Journal of management 27 (6), 643-650, 2001 | 6539 | 2001 |
The resource-based view of the firm: Ten years after 1991 J Barney, M Wright, DJ Ketchen Jr Journal of management 27 (6), 625-641, 2001 | 6004 | 2001 |
Looking inside for competitive advantage JB Barney Academy of Management Perspectives 9 (4), 49-61, 1995 | 5156 | 1995 |
On becoming a strategic partner: The role of human resources in gaining competitive advantage JB Barney, PM Wright Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 1998 | 4386 | 1998 |
Differences between entrepreneurs and managers in large organizations: Biases and heuristics in strategic decision-making LW Busenitz, JB Barney Journal of business venturing 12 (1), 9-30, 1997 | 4380 | 1997 |
Information technology and sustained competitive advantage: A resource-based analysis FJ Mata, WL Fuerst, JB Barney MIS quarterly, 487-505, 1995 | 3760 | 1995 |
Discovery and creation: Alternative theories of entrepreneurial action SA Alvarez, JB Barney Strategic entrepreneurship journal 1 (1‐2), 11-26, 2007 | 3757 | 2007 |
Strategic management and competitive advantage: Concepts and cases JB Barney, WS Hesterly Pearson, 2019 | 3715 | 2019 |
Resource-based theory: Creating and sustaining competitive advantage JB Barney, DN Clark Oup Oxford, 2007 | 3515 | 2007 |
Unraveling the resource‐based tangle MA Peteraf, JB Barney Managerial and decision economics 24 (4), 309-323, 2003 | 3161 | 2003 |
The future of resource-based theory: revitalization or decline? JB Barney, DJ Ketchen Jr, M Wright Journal of management 37 (5), 1299-1315, 2011 | 3061 | 2011 |
Capabilities, business processes, and competitive advantage: choosing the dependent variable in empirical tests of the resource‐based view G Ray, JB Barney, WA Muhanna Strategic management journal 25 (1), 23-37, 2004 | 2966 | 2004 |
Corporate social responsibility and firm performance: Investor preferences and corporate strategies A Mackey, TB Mackey, JB Barney Academy of management review 32 (3), 817-835, 2007 | 1921 | 2007 |
Administração estratégica e vantagem competitiva JB Barney, WS Hesterly, M Rosemberg Pearson Educación, 2007 | 1626 | 2007 |
The resource-based theory of the firm JB Barney Organization science 7 (5), 469-469, 1996 | 1566 | 1996 |