Bacteremic Pneumonia Due to Staphylococcus aureus: A Comparison of Disease Caused by Methicillin-Resistant and Methicillin-Susceptible Organisms C González, M Rubio, J Romero-Vivas, M González, JJ Picazo Clinical Infectious Diseases 29 (5), 1171-1177, 1999 | 519 | 1999 |
The illusion of futility in clinical practice JD Lantos, PA Singer, RM Walker, GP Gramelspacher, GR Shapiro, ... The American journal of medicine 87 (1), 81-84, 1989 | 368 | 1989 |
The primate thalamus is a key target for brain dopamine MÁ Sánchez-González, MÁ García-Cabezas, B Rico, C Cavada Journal of Neuroscience 25 (26), 6076-6083, 2005 | 336 | 2005 |
Long-term survival of free fat grafts in muscle: an experimental study in rats J Guerrerosantos, A Gonzalez-Mendoza, Y Masmela, MA Gonzalez, ... Aesthetic plastic surgery 20, 403-408, 1996 | 310 | 1996 |
Microstructural study of sulfate attack on ordinary and limestone Portland cements at ambient temperature EF Irassar, VL Bonavetti, M González Cement and Concrete Research 33 (1), 31-41, 2003 | 300 | 2003 |
UF0083: Diseño de Productos y servicios turísticos locales C Ruano, M Sánchez Málaga: ic editorial, 2014 | 252 | 2014 |
Bioética en Ciencias de la Salud MA Sánchez González Ed. Elsevier Masson, Barcelona, España, 441, 2013 | 205* | 2013 |
Candida dubliniensis, a new fungal pathogen J Gutierrez, P Morales, MA Gonzalez, G Quindos Journal of Basic Microbiology: An International Journal on Biochemistry …, 2002 | 188 | 2002 |
Distribution of the dopamine innervation in the macaque and human thalamus MÁ García-Cabezas, B Rico, MÁ Sánchez-González, C Cavada Neuroimage 34 (3), 965-984, 2007 | 176 | 2007 |
Ética en la investigación en enfermería MA Sánchez González Investigación cualitativa en enfermería: Contexto y bases conceptuales, 69-86, 2008 | 163* | 2008 |
Dopamine innervation in the thalamus: monkey versus rat MÁ García-Cabezas, P Martínez-Sánchez, MÁ Sánchez-González, ... Cerebral Cortex 19 (2), 424-434, 2009 | 156 | 2009 |
Thaumasite formation in limestone filler cements exposed to sodium sulphate solution at 20 C EF Irassar, VL Bonavetti, MA Trezza, MA González Cement and Concrete Composites 27 (1), 77-84, 2005 | 139 | 2005 |
Ettringite formation in low C3A Portland cement exposed to sodium sulfate solution MA Gonzalez, EF Irassar Cement and Concrete Research 27 (7), 1061-1071, 1997 | 136 | 1997 |
Historia, teoría y método de la medicina: Introducción al pensamiento médico MA Sánchez González Barcelona: Ediciones Masson, ISBN: 84-458-0733-1, 1998 | 134 | 1998 |
The importance of educational and psychological factors in Parkinson's disease quality of life E Cubo, A Rojo, S Ramos, S Quintana, M Gonzalez, K Kompoliti, ... European Journal of Neurology 9 (6), 589-593, 2002 | 120 | 2002 |
Effect of limestone filler on the sulfate resistance of low C3A Portland cement MA González, EF Irassar Cement and Concrete Research 28 (11), 1655-1667, 1998 | 120 | 1998 |
The nigrostriatal system in the presymptomatic and symptomatic stages in the MPTP monkey model: a PET, histological and biochemical study J Blesa, C Pifl, MA Sánchez-González, C Juri, MA García-Cabezas, ... Neurobiology of disease 48 (1), 79-91, 2012 | 114 | 2012 |
Los servicios: concepto, clasificación y problemas de medición M González, C Del Río Gómez, JM Domínguez Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía, 10-19, 1989 | 97 | 1989 |
Social anxiety in 18 nations: sex and age differences VE Caballo, IC Salazar, MJ Irurtia, B Arias, SG Hofmann, ... Behavioral Psychology/Psicología Conductual 16 (2), 163-187, 2008 | 85 | 2008 |
El humanismo y la enseñanza de las humanidades médicas MA Sánchez González Educación Médica 18 (3), 212-218, 2017 | 81 | 2017 |