Jeremy Mennis
Jeremy Mennis
Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
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Generating surface models of population using dasymetric mapping
J Mennis
The Professional Geographer 55 (1), 31-42, 2003
Spatial data mining and geographic knowledge discovery—An introduction
J Mennis, D Guo
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 33 (6), 403-408, 2009
Mapping the results of geographically weighted regression
J Mennis
The Cartographic Journal 43 (2), 171-179, 2006
Intelligent dasymetric mapping and its application to areal interpolation
J Mennis, T Hultgren
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 33 (3), 179-194, 2006
Does vegetation encourage or suppress urban crime? Evidence from Philadelphia, PA
MK Wolfe, J Mennis
Landscape and urban planning 108 (2-4), 112-122, 2012
The distribution of environmental equity: Exploring spatial nonstationarity in multivariate models of air toxic releases
JL Mennis, L Jordan
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 95 (2), 249-268, 2005
A conceptual framework for incorporating cognitive principles into geographical database representation
JL Mennis, DJ Peuquet, L Qian
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 14 (6), 501-520, 2000
The economic impact of greening urban vacant land: a spatial difference-in-differences analysis
M Heckert, J Mennis
Environment and Planning A 44 (12), 3010-3027, 2012
Using geographic information systems to create and analyze statistical surfaces of population and risk for environmental justice analysis
J Mennis
Social science quarterly 83 (1), 281-297, 2002
Mining association rules in spatio‐temporal data: An analysis of urban socioeconomic and land cover change
J Mennis, JW Liu
Transactions in GIS 9 (1), 5-17, 2005
Racial and ethnic disparities in outpatient substance use disorder treatment episode completion for different substances
J Mennis, GJ Stahler
Journal of substance abuse treatment 63, 25-33, 2016
Dasymetric mapping for estimating population in small areas
J Mennis
Geography Compass 3 (2), 727-745, 2009
Predicting recidivism for released state prison offenders: Examining the influence of individual and neighborhood characteristics and spatial contagion on the likelihood of …
GJ Stahler, J Mennis, S Belenko, WN Welsh, ML Hiller, G Zajac
Criminal justice and behavior 40 (6), 690-711, 2013
Urban greenspace is associated with reduced psychological stress among adolescents: A Geographic Ecological Momentary Assessment (GEMA) analysis of activity space
J Mennis, M Mason, A Ambrus
Landscape and urban planning 174, 1-9, 2018
Influences of neighborhood context, individual history and parenting behavior on recidivism among juvenile offenders
HE Grunwald, B Lockwood, PW Harris, J Mennis
Journal of youth and adolescence 39, 1067-1079, 2010
Residential and outpatient treatment completion for substance use disorders in the US: Moderation analysis by demographics and drug of choice
GJ Stahler, J Mennis, JP DuCette
Addictive behaviors 58, 129-135, 2016
Risky substance use environments and addiction: a new frontier for environmental justice research
J Mennis, GJ Stahler, MJ Mason
International journal of environmental research and public health 13 (6), 607, 2016
Peer attitudes effects on adolescent substance use: The moderating role of race and gender
MJ Mason, J Mennis, J Linker, C Bares, N Zaharakis
Prevention science 15, 56-64, 2014
Socioeconomic-vegetation relationships in urban, residential land
J Mennis
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 72 (8), 911-921, 2006
Qualitative GIS and the visualization of narrative activity space data
J Mennis, MJ Mason, Y Cao
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 27 (2), 267-291, 2013
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