Teetering on the edge or too late? Conservation and research issues for avifauna of sagebrush habitats ST Knick, DS Dobkin, JT Rotenberry, MA Schroeder, WM Vander Haegen, ... The Condor 105 (4), 611-634, 2003 | 619 | 2003 |
The early development of forest fragmentation effects on birds JM Hagan, WM Vander Haegen, PS McKinley Conservation Biology 10 (1), 188-202, 1996 | 303 | 1996 |
The reliability of citizen science: a case study of Oregon white oak stand surveys AWE Galloway, MT Tudor, WMV HAEGEN Wildlife Society Bulletin 34 (5), 1425-1429, 2006 | 232 | 2006 |
Shrubsteppe bird response to habitat and landscape variables in eastern Washington, USA WMV Haegen, FC Dobler, DJ Pierce Conservation Biology 14 (4), 1145-1160, 2000 | 167 | 2000 |
Factors affecting productivity in a northern wild turkey population WM Vander Haegen, WE Dodge, MW Sayre The Journal of Wildlife Management, 127-133, 1988 | 134 | 1988 |
Predation on artificial nests in forested riparian buffer strips WM Vander Haegen, RM Degraaf The Journal of wildlife management, 542-550, 1996 | 132 | 1996 |
Predation on real and artificial nests in shrubsteppe landscapes fragmented by agriculture WM Vander Haegen, MA Schroeder, RM DeGraaf The Condor 104 (3), 496-506, 2002 | 118 | 2002 |
Fragmention by agriculture influences reproductive success of birds in a shrubsteppe landscape WM Vander Haegen Ecological Applications 17 (3), 934-947, 2007 | 61 | 2007 |
Winter use of agricultural habitats by wild turkeys in Massachusetts WM Vander Haegen, MW Sayre, WE Dodge The Journal of wildlife management, 30-33, 1989 | 47 | 1989 |
Seasonal variability in the use of space by western gray squirrels in southcentral Washington MJ Linders, SD West, WM Vander Haegen Journal of Mammalogy 85 (3), 511-516, 2004 | 46 | 2004 |
Survival and causes of mortality of head‐started western pond turtles on Pierce National Wildlife Refuge, Washington WMV Haegen, SL Clark, KM Perillo, DP Anderson, HL Allen The Journal of wildlife management 73 (8), 1402-1406, 2009 | 42 | 2009 |
Predation rates on artificial nests in an industrial forest landscape WM Vander Haegen, RM DeGraaf Forest Ecology and Management 86 (1-3), 171-179, 1996 | 40 | 1996 |
Response of Greater Sage-Grouse to the Conservation Reserve Program in Washington State MA Schroeder, WM Vander Haegen Studies in Avian Biology 38, 517-529, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Wildlife of eastside shrubland and grassland habitats WM Vander Haegen, SM McCorquodale, CR Peterson, GA Green, ... Wildlife-habitat relationships in Oregon and Washington, 292-316, 2001 | 34 | 2001 |
Male incubation and multiple brooding in Sagebrush Brewer's Sparrows NA Mahony, WM Vander Haegen, BL Walker, PG Krannitz The Wilson Bulletin 113 (4), 441-444, 2001 | 27 | 2001 |
Notoedric mange in western gray squirrels from Washington TE Cornish, MJ Linders, SE Little, WM Vander Haegen Journal of Wildlife Diseases 37 (3), 630-633, 2001 | 27 | 2001 |
Parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds in the shrubsteppe of eastern Washington WM Vander Haegen, B Walker Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 1998 | 25 | 1998 |
An analysis of deer and elk-vehicle collision sites along state highways in Washington State WL Myers, WY Chang, SS Germaine, WM Vander Haegen, TE Owens Publication WA-RD 701, 2008 | 22 | 2008 |
Use of Conservation Reserve Program Fields by Greater Sage-grouse and Other Shrubsteppe Associated Wildlife in Washington MA Schroeder, WM Vander Haegen Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Program, Science Division, 2006 | 21 | 2006 |
Survival and causes of mortality in a northern population of western gray squirrels WM Vander Haegen, GR Orth, MJ Linders The Journal of Wildlife Management 77 (6), 1249-1257, 2013 | 17 | 2013 |