Matrix analysis RA Horn, CR Johnson Cambridge university press, 2012 | 48366 | 2012 |
Topics in matrix analysis RA Horn, CR Johnson Cambridge university press, 1994 | 12604 | 1994 |
The hadamard product RA Horn Proc. symp. appl. math 40, 87-169, 1990 | 604 | 1990 |
A heuristic asymptotic formula concerning the distribution of prime numbers PT Bateman, RA Horn Mathematics of Computation 16 (79), 363-367, 1962 | 398 | 1962 |
Estimating heteroscedastic variances in linear models SD Horn, RA Horn, DB Duncan Journal of the American Statistical Association 70 (350), 380-385, 1975 | 299 | 1975 |
Interhospital differences in severity of illness: problems for prospective payment based on diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) SD Horn, G Bulkley, PD Sharkey, AF Chambers, RA Horn, CJ Schramm New England Journal of Medicine 313 (1), 20-24, 1985 | 267 | 1985 |
The relationship between severity of illness and hospital length of stay and mortality SD Horn, PD Sharkey, JM Buckle, JE Backofen, RF Averill, RA Horn Medical care 29 (4), 305-317, 1991 | 254 | 1991 |
Reliability and validity of the severity of illness index SD Horn, RA Horn Medical Care 24 (2), 159-178, 1986 | 166 | 1986 |
The Severity of Illness Index as a severity adjustment to diagnosis-related groups SD Horn, RA Horn, PD Sharkey Health Care Financing Review 1984 (Suppl), 33, 1984 | 157 | 1984 |
Norms for vectors and matrices RA Horn, CR Johnson Matrix analysis, 313-386, 1990 | 145 | 1990 |
Canonical forms for complex matrix congruence and∗ congruence RA Horn, VV Sergeichuk Linear algebra and its applications 416 (2-3), 1010-1032, 2006 | 123 | 2006 |
Severity of illness within DRGs: impact on prospective payment. SD Horn, PD Sharkey, AF Chambers, RA Horn American Journal of Public Health 75 (10), 1195-1199, 1985 | 122 | 1985 |
On fractional Hadamard powers of positive definite matrices CH FitzGerald, RA Horn Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 61 (3), 633-642, 1977 | 107 | 1977 |
The computerized severity index: A new tool for case-mix management SD Horn, RA Horn Journal of Medical Systems 10, 73-78, 1986 | 103 | 1986 |
Creating a scene for property claims adjustment JA Patel, JA Brandmaier, ME Faga, J Gillespie, R Horn, S Hughes, ... US Patent 9,824,397, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |
A canonical form for matrices under consimilarity YP Hong, RA Horn Linear algebra and its applications 102, 143-168, 1988 | 100 | 1988 |
The theory of infinitely divisible matrices and kernels RA Horn Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 136, 269-286, 1969 | 97 | 1969 |
Basic properties of the Schur complement RA Horn, F Zhang The Schur complement and its applications, 17-46, 2005 | 95 | 2005 |
Severity of illness within DRGs: homogeneity study SD Horn, RA Horn, PD Sharkey, AF Chambers Medical Care 24 (3), 225-235, 1986 | 95 | 1986 |
On infinitely divisible matrices, kernels, and functions RA Horn Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 8 (3), 219-230, 1967 | 95 | 1967 |