Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Doraiswami RamkrishnaVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 2
Cybernetic modeling of biological processes in mammalian systems
L Aboulmouna, R Raja, S Khanum, S Gupta, MR Maurya, A Grama, ...
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 30, 120-127, 2020
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
A comprehensive modeling approach for polymorph selection in Lennard-Jones crystallization
PS Bulutoglu, AS Zalte, NK Nere, D Ramkrishna, DS Corti
The Journal of Chemical Physics 158 (13), 2023
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation
Na voljo nekje: 41
Convergent transcription confers a bistable switch in Enterococcus faecalis conjugation
A Chatterjee, CM Johnson, CC Shu, YN Kaznessis, D Ramkrishna, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (23), 9721-9726, 2011
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Antagonistic self-sensing and mate-sensing signaling controls antibiotic-resistance transfer
A Chatterjee, LCC Cook, CC Shu, Y Chen, DA Manias, D Ramkrishna, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (17), 7086-7090, 2013
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Bistability versus bimodal distributions in gene regulatory processes from population balance
CC Shu, A Chatterjee, G Dunny, WS Hu, D Ramkrishna
PLoS computational biology 7 (8), e1002140, 2011
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Insulin exits skeletal muscle capillaries by fluid-phase transport
IM Williams, FA Valenzuela, SD Kahl, D Ramkrishna, AR Mezo, JD Young, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 128 (2), 699-714, 2018
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Exacting predictions by cybernetic model confirmed experimentally: steady state multiplicity in the chemostat
JI Kim, HS Song, SR Sunkara, A Lali, D Ramkrishna
Biotechnology progress 28 (5), 1160-1166, 2012
Zahteve: Department of Biotechnology, India
Inverse problems in population balances. Determination of aggregation kernel by weighted residuals
J Chakraborty, J Kumar, M Singh, A Mahoney, D Ramkrishna
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54 (42), 10530-10538, 2015
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
A metabolomics approach for early prediction of vincristine-induced peripheral neuropathy
P Verma, J Devaraj, JL Skiles, T Sajdyk, RH Ho, R Hutchinson, E Wells, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 9659, 2020
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Molecular dynamics electric field crystallization simulations of paracetamol produce a new polymorph
C Parks, A Koswara, HH Tung, N Nere, S Bordawekar, ZK Nagy, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 17 (7), 3751-3765, 2017
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation
Solubility curves and nucleation rates from molecular dynamics for polymorph prediction–moving beyond lattice energy minimization
C Parks, A Koswara, F DeVilbiss, HH Tung, NK Nere, S Bordawekar, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (7), 5285-5295, 2017
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation
Nanocrystal dissolution kinetics and solubility increase prediction from molecular dynamics: The case of α-, β-, and γ-glycine
C Parks, A Koswara, HH Tung, NK Nere, S Bordawekar, ZK Nagy, ...
Molecular Pharmaceutics 14 (4), 1023-1032, 2017
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation
Role of intracellular stochasticity in biofilm growth. Insights from population balance modeling
CC Shu, A Chatterjee, WS Hu, D Ramkrishna
PloS one 8 (11), e79196, 2013
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Revised formulation of Fick’s, Fourier’s, and Newton’s laws for spatially varying linear transport coefficients
YY Won, D Ramkrishna
ACS omega 4 (6), 11215-11222, 2019
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation
Sequential computation of elementary modes and minimal cut sets in genome-scale metabolic networks using alternate integer linear programming
HS Song, N Goldberg, A Mahajan, D Ramkrishna
Bioinformatics 33 (15), 2345-2353, 2017
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Examining sodium and potassium channel conductances involved in hyperexcitability of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: a mathematical and cell culture-based study
P Verma, M Eaton, A Kienle, D Flockerzi, Y Yang, D Ramkrishna
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 14, 564980, 2020
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
An investigation of the kinetics and thermodynamics of NaCl nucleation through composite clusters
PS Bulutoglu, S Wang, M Boukerche, NK Nere, DS Corti, D Ramkrishna
PNAS nexus 1 (2), pgac033, 2022
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation
Modeling of gene regulatory processes by population-mediated signaling: new applications of population balances
CC Shu, A Chatterjee, WS Hu, D Ramkrishna
Chemical engineering science 70, 188-199, 2012
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Hydroxyurea treatment of sickle cell disease: towards a personalized model-based approach
A Pandey, JH Estepp, D Ramkrishna
Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics 5 (1), 22-36, 2021
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
A cybernetic approach to modeling lipid metabolism in mammalian cells
L Aboulmouna, S Gupta, MR Maurya, FT DeVilbiss, S Subramaniam, ...
Processes 6 (8), 126, 2018
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
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