John Quinn
John Quinn
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Land use effects on habitat, water quality, periphyton, and benthic invertebrates in Waikato, New Zealand, hill‐country streams
JM Quinn, AB Cooper, RJ Davies‐Colley, JC Rutherford, RB Williamson
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 31 (5), 579-597, 1997
Characterisation and classification of benthic invertebrate communities in 88 New Zealand rivers in relation to environmental factors
JM Quinn, CW Hickey
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 24 (3), 387-409, 1990
Magnitude of effects of substrate particle size, recent flooding, and catchment development on benthic invertebrates in 88 New Zealand rivers
JM Quinn, CW Hickey
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 24 (3), 411-427, 1990
Microhabitat preferences of benthic invertebrates and the development of generalised Deleatidium spp. habitat suitability curves, applied to four New Zealand rivers
IG Jowett, J Richardson, BJF Biggs, CW Hickey, JM Quinn
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 25 (2), 187-199, 1991
Upper thermal tolerances of twelve New Zealand stream invertebrate species
JM Quinn, GL Steele, CW Hickey, ML Vickers
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 28 (4), 391-397, 1994
Water quality and sediment and nutrient export from New Zealand hill‐land catchments of contrasting land use
JM Quinn, MJ Stroud
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 36 (2), 409-429, 2002
Effects of clay discharges on streams: 1. Optical properties and epilithon
RJ Davies-Colley, CW Hickey, JM Quinn, PA Ryan
Hydrobiologia 248, 215-234, 1992
Effects of clay discharges on streams: 2. Benthic invertebrates
JM Quinn, RJ Davies-Colley, CW Hickey, ML Vickers, PA Ryan
Hydrobiologia 248, 235-247, 1992
Ecological characterisation, classification, and modelling of New Zealand rivers: an introduction and synthesis
BJF Biggs, MJ Duncan, IG Jowett, JM Quinn, CW Hickey, ...
Taylor & Francis Group 24 (3), 277-304, 1990
Effects of pastoral development
JM Quinn
New Zealand stream invertebrates: ecology and implications for management …, 2000
Shade effects on stream periphyton and invertebrates: an experiment in streamside channels
JM Quinn, AB Cooper, MJ Stroud, GP Burrell
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 31 (5), 665-683, 1997
Effects of land use and riparian flowpath on delivery of dissolved organic carbon to streams
S Findlay, JM Quinn, CW Hickey, G Burrell, M Downes
Limnology and Oceanography 46 (2), 345-355, 2001
Effects of riparian grazing and channelisation on streams in Southland, New Zealand. 2. Benthic invertebrates
JM Quinn, RB Williamson, RK Smith, ML Vickers
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 26 (2), 259-273, 1992
Spatial prioritization of conservation management
A Moilanen, JR Leathwick, JM Quinn
Conservation letters 4 (5), 383-393, 2011
Land‐use effects on the hyporheic ecology of five small streams near Hamilton, New Zealand
AJ Boulton, MR Scarsbrook, JM Quinn, GP Burrell
New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 31 (5), 609-622, 1997
Stream lighting in five regions of North Island, New Zealand: control by channel size and riparian vegetation
RJ Davies‐Colley, JM Quinn
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 32 (4), 591-605, 1998
Hydraulic parameters and benthic invertebrate distributions in two gravel‐bed New Zealand rivers
JM Quinn, CW Hickey
Freshwater biology 32 (3), 489-500, 1994
Riparian buffers mitigate effects of pine plantation logging on New Zealand streams: 1. Riparian vegetation structure, stream geomorphology and periphyton
IKG Boothroyd, JM Quinn, ERL Langer, KJ Costley, G Steward
Forest ecology and management 194 (1-3), 199-213, 2004
Riparian buffers mitigate effects of pine plantation logging on New Zealand streams: 2. Invertebrate communities
JM Quinn, IKG Boothroyd, BJ Smith
Forest Ecology and Management 191 (1-3), 129-146, 2004
Sediment assessment methods
J Clapcott, R Young, J Harding, C Matthaei, J Quinn, R Death
Protocols and guidelines for assessing the effects of deposited fine …, 2011
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