Ethan Brown
Ethan Brown
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na itp.phys.ethz.ch - Domača stran
Path-integral Monte Carlo simulation of the warm dense homogeneous electron gas
EW Brown, BK Clark, JL DuBois, DM Ceperley
Physical review letters 110 (14), 146405, 2013
Nonstoquastic Hamiltonians and quantum annealing of an Ising spin glass
L Hormozi, EW Brown, G Carleo, M Troyer
Physical review B 95 (18), 184416, 2017
Accurate exchange-correlation energies for the warm dense electron gas
FD Malone, NS Blunt, EW Brown, DKK Lee, JS Spencer, WMC Foulkes, ...
Physical review letters 117 (11), 115701, 2016
Exchange-correlation energy for the three-dimensional homogeneous electron gas at arbitrary temperature
EW Brown, JL DuBois, M Holzmann, DM Ceperley
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (8), 081102, 2013
Signal yields of keV electronic recoils and their discrimination from nuclear recoils in liquid xenon
E Aprile, J Aalbers, F Agostini, M Alfonsi, FD Amaro, M Anthony, ...
Physical Review D 97 (9), 092007, 2018
The state of Saldanha bay and langebaan lagoon 2020
BM Clark, K Hutchings, A Biccard, E Brown, J Dawson, M Laird, ...
Anchor Environmental Consultants (Pty) Ltd for the Saldanha Bay Water …, 2020
Overcoming the fermion sign problem in homogeneous systems
JL DuBois, EW Brown, BJ Alder
Advances in the Computational Sciences: Symposium in Honor of Dr Berni Alder …, 2017
Assessment of quantum annealing for the construction of satisfiability filters
M Azinović, D Herr, B Heim, E Brown, M Troyer
SciPost Physics 2 (2), 013, 2017
Designing adiabatic quantum optimization: A case study for the traveling salesman problem
B Heim, EW Brown, D Wecker, M Troyer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.06248, 2017
Quantum Monte Carlo techniques and applications for warm dense matter
E Brown, MA Morales, C Pierleoni, D Ceperley
Frontiers and Challenges in Warm Dense Matter, 123-149, 2014
Erratum: Exchange-correlation energy for the three-dimensional homogeneous electron gas at arbitrary temperature [Phys. Rev. B 88, 081102(R) (2013)]
EW Brown, JL DuBois, M Holzmann, DM Ceperley
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (19), 199901, 2013
Proposed sea-based aquaculture development zone in Algoa Bay, Eastern Cape–final basic assessment report in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (107 of 1998)
V Massie, B Clark, K Hutchings, J Dawson, E Brown, A Wright, M Laird
Report prepared for the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries by …, 2019
M Melidonis.(2018). Desktop study of the potential impacts of marine mining on marine ecosystems and marine biota in South Africa–Final report. Report prepared by Anchor …
A Biccard, K Gihwala, BM Clark, B Mostert, E Brown, K Hutchings, ...
Report, 0
Optimizing schedules for quantum annealing
D Herr, E Brown, B Heim, M Könz, G Mazzola, M Troyer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.00420, 2017
Frontiers and Challenges in Warm Dense Matter
E Brown, MA Morales, C Pierleoni, D Ceperley
Springer, 2014
A multi-disciplinary approach for countering insider threats
R DelZoppo, E Brown, M Downey, ED Liddy, S Symonenko, JS Park, ...
Workshop on Secure Knowledge Management (SKM), Amherst, NY, 2004
Recent developments in quantum annealing
I Zintchenko, E Brown, M Troyer
Unpublished Manuscript, 2015
Dun, a
BM Clark, V Massie, M Laird, A Biccard, K Hutchings, R Harmer, E Brown
OO, Makunga, M. & Turpie, J, 2015
LECTURES ON THE PHYSICS OF STRONGLY CORRELATED SYSTEMS XI: Eleventh Training Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems, p. 284-288 (2007).
G Baym, C Pierleoni, KT Delaney, MA Morales, DM Ceperley, ...
Phys. Lett 199, 151, 1995
Anti-ferroelectric polarization transitions in quantum-dot–quantum-well arrays
E Brown, KJ Mullen
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23 (45), 455301, 2011
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