Classification of nanostructures by dimensionality and concept of surface forms engineering in nanomaterial science VV Pokropivny, VV Skorokhod Materials science and engineering: C 27 (5-8), 990-993, 2007 | 548 | 2007 |
Boron nitride analogs of fullerenes (the fulborenes), nanotubes, and fullerites (the fulborenites) VV Pokropivny, VV Skorokhod, GS Oleinik, AV Kurdyumov, ... Journal of Solid State Chemistry 154 (1), 214-222, 2000 | 228 | 2000 |
Introduction to nanomaterials and nanotechnology V Pokropivny, R Lohmus, I Hussainova, A Pokropivny, S Vlassov Tartu University Press, 2007 | 220 | 2007 |
New dimensionality classifications of nanostructures VV Pokropivny, VV Skorokhod Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and nanostructures 40 (7), 2521-2525, 2008 | 143 | 2008 |
New nanoforms of carbon and boron nitride VV Pokropivny, AL Ivanovskii Russian Chemical Reviews 77 (10), 837, 2008 | 68 | 2008 |
Structure of “cubic graphite”: Simple cubic fullerite C24 VV Pokropivny, AV Pokropivny Physics of the Solid State 46, 392-394, 2004 | 52 | 2004 |
Non-carbon nanotubes (Review). Part 2. Types and structure VV Pokropivny Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 40, 582-594, 2001 | 45 | 2001 |
Новые наноформы углерода и нитрида бора ВВ Покропивный, АЛ Ивановский Успехи химии 77 (10), 899-937, 2008 | 39 | 2008 |
Non-carbon nanotubes (Review). Part 3. Properties and applications VV Pokropivnyi Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 41, 123-135, 2002 | 36 | 2002 |
Synthesis, structure, and formation mechanism of boron nitride nanotubes. TS Bartnitskaya, GS Oleınik, AV Pokropivnyı, VV Pokropivnyı Jetp Letters 69 (2), 1999 | 36 | 1999 |
Non-Carbon Nanotubes (Review). Part 1. Synthesis Methods VV Pokropivny Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 40, 485-496, 2001 | 33 | 2001 |
Fluid synthesis and structure of a new boron nitride polymorph—hyperdiamond fulborenite B12N12 (E phase) VV Pokropivny, AS Smolyar, AV Pokropivny Physics of the Solid State 49, 591-598, 2007 | 32 | 2007 |
Silicon carbide nanotubes and nanotubular fibers: Synthesis, stability, structure, and classification VV Pokropivnyi, PM Silenko Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry 42, 3-15, 2006 | 31 | 2006 |
Fullerenes and fullerites on the base of BN-fulborenes and fulborenites VV Pokropivny, AV Pokropivny, VV Skorokhod, AV Kurdyumov Dopovidi NANU (Proc. of Nat. Acad. of Sci. of Ukr.) ¹4, 112-117, 1999 | 30 | 1999 |
Adhesive phenomena at the interface during nanoindentation, stretch and shock VV Pokropivny, VV Skorokhod, AV Pokropivny Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 5 (6), 579, 1997 | 29 | 1997 |
Electronic structure and the infrared absorption and Raman spectra of the semiconductor clusters C24, B12N12, Si12C12, Zn12O12, and Ga12N12 VV Pokropivny, LI Ovsyannikova Physics of the Solid State 49, 562-570, 2007 | 28 | 2007 |
Synthesis and growth mechanism of zinc oxide nanostructures in arc discharge VV Pokropivny, MM Kasumov Technical Physics Letters 33, 44-47, 2007 | 28 | 2007 |
Two-dimensional nanocomposites: photonic crystals and nanomembranes (review). Part 1. Types and preparation VV Pokropivnyi Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 41, 264-272, 2002 | 28 | 2002 |
Структура „кубического графита “—простой кубический фуллерит C24 ВВ Покропивный, АВ Покропивный Физика твердого тела 46 (2), 380-382, 2004 | 25 | 2004 |
Electronic structure and elastic moduli of the simple cubic fullerite C24—A new allotropic carbon modification VL Bekenev, VV Pokropivny Physics of the Solid State 48, 1405-1410, 2006 | 23 | 2006 |