Karar Mahmoud
Karar Mahmoud
Associate Professor (Aswan University), Senior IEEE Member
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na aswu.edu.eg
Accurate photovoltaic power forecasting models using deep LSTM-RNN
M Abdel-Nasser, K Mahmoud
Neural Computing and Applications 31 (7), 2727-2740, 2019
Optimal distributed generation allocation in distribution systems for loss minimization
K Mahmoud, N Yorino, A Ahmed
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (2), 960-969, 2016
An efficient fuzzy-logic based variable-step incremental conductance MPPT method for grid-connected PV systems
MN Ali, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen, MMF Darwish
Ieee Access 9, 26420-26430, 2021
Deep learning-based industry 4.0 and internet of things towards effective energy management for smart buildings
M Elsisi, MQ Tran, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen, MMF Darwish
Sensors 21 (4), 1038, 2021
Effective IoT-based deep learning platform for online fault diagnosis of power transformers against cyberattacks and data uncertainties
M Elsisi, MQ Tran, K Mahmoud, DEA Mansour, M Lehtonen, ...
Measurement 190, 110686, 2022
Promising MPPT methods combining metaheuristic, fuzzy-logic and ANN techniques for grid-connected photovoltaic
MN Ali, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen, MMF Darwish
Sensors 21 (4), 1244, 2021
Experimental setup for online fault diagnosis of induction machines via promising IoT and machine learning: Towards industry 4.0 empowerment
MQ Tran, M Elsisi, K Mahmoud, MK Liu, M Lehtonen, MMF Darwish
IEEE access 9, 115429-115441, 2021
Reliable industry 4.0 based on machine learning and IOT for analyzing, monitoring, and securing smart meters
M Elsisi, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen, MMF Darwish
Sensors 21 (2), 487, 2021
Robust design of ANFIS-based blade pitch controller for wind energy conversion systems against wind speed fluctuations
M Elsisi, MQ Tran, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen, MMF Darwish
IEEE Access 9, 37894-37904, 2021
Reliable deep learning and IoT-based monitoring system for secure computer numerical control machines against cyber-attacks with experimental verification
MQ Tran, M Elsisi, MK Liu, VQ Vu, K Mahmoud, MMF Darwish, ...
IEEE Access 10, 23186-23197, 2022
Reliable Solar Irradiance Forecasting Approach Based on Choquet Integral and Deep LSTMs
M Abdel-Nasser, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (3), 1873-1881, 2021
Optimal harmonic mitigation in distribution systems with inverter based distributed generation
AS Abbas, RA El-Sehiemy, A Abou El-Ela, ES Ali, K Mahmoud, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (2), 774, 2021
Towards secured online monitoring for digitalized GIS against cyber-attacks based on IoT and machine learning
M Elsisi, MQ Tran, K Mahmoud, DEA Mansour, M Lehtonen, ...
Ieee Access 9, 78415-78427, 2021
Comprehensive review on renewable energy sources in Egypt—current status, grid codes and future vision
H Abubakr, JC Vasquez, K Mahmoud, MMF Darwish, JM Guerrero
IEEE Access 10, 4081-4101, 2022
An improved neural network algorithm to efficiently track various trajectories of robot manipulator arms
M Elsisi, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen, MMF Darwish
Ieee Access 9, 11911-11920, 2021
Enhancing diagnostic accuracy of transformer faults using teaching-learning-based optimization
SSM Ghoneim, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen, MMF Darwish
Ieee Access 9, 30817-30832, 2021
Maximizing Hosting Capacity of Uncertain Photovoltaics by Coordinated Management of OLTC, VAr Sources and Stochastic EVs
A Ali, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021
Reliable estimation for health index of transformer oil based on novel combined predictive maintenance techniques
M Badawi, SA Ibrahim, DEA Mansour, AA El-Faraskoury, SA Ward, ...
IEEE access 10, 25954-25972, 2022
Optimal oversizing of utility-owned renewable DG inverter for voltage rise prevention in MV distribution systems
A Ali, D Raisz, K Mahmoud
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 105, 500-513, 2019
Novel control strategy for enhancing microgrid operation connected to photovoltaic generation and energy storage systems
D Emara, M Ezzat, AY Abdelaziz, K Mahmoud, M Lehtonen, MMF Darwish
Electronics 10 (11), 1261, 2021
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