Kristie Franz
Kristie Franz
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na iastate.edu - Domača stran
Verification of National Weather Service ensemble streamflow predictions for water supply forecasting in the Colorado River basin
KJ Franz, HC Hartmann, S Sorooshian, R Bales
Journal of Hydrometeorology 4 (6), 1105-1118, 2003
A novel attention-based LSTM cell post-processor coupled with bayesian optimization for streamflow prediction
B Alizadeh, AG Bafti, H Kamangir, Y Zhang, DB Wright, KJ Franz
Journal of Hydrology 601, 126526, 2021
Operational snow modeling: Addressing the challenges of an energy balance model for National Weather Service forecasts
KJ Franz, TS Hogue, S Sorooshian
Journal of Hydrology 360 (1-4), 48-66, 2008
Mapping of 30-meter resolution tile-drained croplands using a geospatial modeling approach
P Valayamkunnath, M Barlage, F Chen, DJ Gochis, KJ Franz
Scientific data 7 (1), 1-10, 2020
Characterizing parameter sensitivity and uncertainty for a snow model across hydroclimatic regimes
M He, TS Hogue, KJ Franz, SA Margulis, JA Vrugt
Advances in Water Resources 34 (1), 114-127, 2011
The hydrologic ensemble prediction experiment (HEPEX)
J Schaake, K Franz, A Bradley, R Buizza
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 3 (5), 3321-3332, 2006
Using the Storm Water Management Model to predict urban headwater stream hydrological response to climate and land cover change
JY Wu, JR Thompson, RK Kolka, KJ Franz, TW Stewart
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (12), 4743-4758, 2013
Evaluating uncertainty estimates in hydrologic models: borrowing measures from the forecast verification community
KJ Franz, TS Hogue
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (11), 3367-3382, 2011
Calibration of a distributed snow model using MODIS snow covered area data
KJ Franz, LR Karsten
Journal of Hydrology 494, 160-175, 2013
21st century Wisconsin snow projections based on an operational snow model driven by statistically downscaled climate data
M Notaro, DJ Lorenz, D Vimont, S Vavrus, C Kucharik, K Franz
International Journal of Climatology 31 (11), 1615-1633, 2011
Addressing snow model uncertainty for hydrologic prediction
KJ Franz, P Butcher, NK Ajami
Advances in Water Resources 33 (8), 820-832, 2010
Watershed features and stream water quality: Gaining insight through path analysis in a Midwest urban landscape, USA
J Wu, TW Stewart, JR Thompson, RK Kolka, KJ Franz
Landscape and Urban Planning 143, 219-229, 2015
An integrated uncertainty and ensemble-based data assimilation approach for improved operational streamflow predictions
M He, TS Hogue, SA Margulis, KJ Franz
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (3), 815-831, 2012
An integrated uncertainty and ensemble-based data assimilation approach for improved operational streamflow predictions
M He, TS Hogue, SA Margulis, KJ Franz
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (3), 815-831, 2012
Increased water yield and altered water partitioning follow wildfire in a forested catchment in the western United States
K Blount, CJ Ruybal, KJ Franz, TS Hogue
Ecohydrology 13 (1), e2170, 2020
Assimilation of AMSR-E snow water equivalent data in a spatially-lumped snow model
DJ Dziubanski, KJ Franz
Journal of Hydrology 540, 26-39, 2016
Distributed hydrologic modeling using satellite-derived potential evapotranspiration
RR Spies, KJ Franz, TS Hogue, AL Bowman
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (1), 129-146, 2015
Downscaling SMAP and SMOS soil moisture with moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer visible and infrared products over southern Arizona
KR Knipper, TS Hogue, KJ Franz, RL Scott
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11 (2), 026021, 2017
Corruption of parameter behavior and regionalization by model and forcing data errors: A Bayesian example using the SNOW17 model
M He, TS Hogue, KJ Franz, SA Margulis, JA Vrugt
Water Resources Research 47 (7), 2011
Assessment of SWE data assimilation for ensemble streamflow predictions
KJ Franz, TS Hogue, M Barik, M He
Journal of Hydrology 519, 2737-2746, 2014
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