Luis A Martinez Tossas
Luis A Martinez Tossas
Druga imenaTony Martinez
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A large-eddy simulation of wind-plant aerodynamics
M Churchfield, S Lee, P Moriarty, L Martinez, S Leonardi, G Vijayakumar, ...
50th AIAA aerospace sciences meeting including the new horizons forum and …, 2012
Large eddy simulations of the flow past wind turbines: actuator line and disk modeling
LA Martínez‐Tossas, MJ Churchfield, S Leonardi
Wind Energy 18 (6), 1047-1060, 2015
Wake structure in actuator disk models of wind turbines in yaw under uniform inflow conditions
MF Howland, J Bossuyt, LA Martínez-Tossas, J Meyers, C Meneveau
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 8 (4), 2016
Comparison of wind farm large eddy simulations using actuator disk and actuator line models with wind tunnel experiments
RJAM Stevens, LA Martínez-Tossas, C Meneveau
Renewable energy 116, 470-478, 2018
The aerodynamics of the curled wake: a simplified model in view of flow control
LA Martínez-Tossas, J Annoni, PA Fleming, MJ Churchfield
Wind Energy Science 4 (1), 127-138, 2019
A comparison of actuator disk and actuator line wind turbine models and best practices for their use
L Martinez, S Leonardi, M Churchfield, P Moriarty
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2012
An advanced actuator line method for wind energy applications and beyond
MJ Churchfield, SJ Schreck, LA Martinez, C Meneveau, PR Spalart
35th Wind Energy Symposium, 1998, 2017
Control-oriented model for secondary effects of wake steering
J King, P Fleming, R King, LA Martínez-Tossas, CJ Bay, R Mudafort, ...
Wind Energy Science 6 (3), 701-714, 2021
Optimal smoothing length scale for actuator line models of wind turbine blades based on Gaussian body force distribution
LA Martínez‐Tossas, MJ Churchfield, C Meneveau
Wind Energy 20 (6), 1083-1096, 2017
A simulation study demonstrating the importance of large-scale trailing vortices in wake steering
P Fleming, J Annoni, M Churchfield, LA Martinez-Tossas, K Gruchalla, ...
Wind Energy Science 3 (1), 243-255, 2018
Assessment of blockage effects on the wake characteristics and power of wind turbines
H Sarlak, T Nishino, LA Martínez-Tossas, C Meneveau, JN Sørensen
Renewable Energy 93, 340-352, 2016
Filtered lifting line theory and application to the actuator line model
LA Martínez-Tossas, C Meneveau
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 863, 269-292, 2019
Comparison of four large-eddy simulation research codes and effects of model coefficient and inflow turbulence in actuator-line-based wind turbine modeling
LA Martinez-Tossas, MJ Churchfield, AE Yilmaz, H Sarlak, PL Johnson, ...
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 10 (3), 2018
Multimodel validation of single wakes in neutral and stratified atmospheric conditions
P Doubrawa, EW Quon, LA Martinez‐Tossas, K Shaler, M Debnath, ...
Wind Energy 23 (11), 2027-2055, 2020
Analytical solution for the cumulative wake of wind turbines in wind farms
M Bastankhah, BL Welch, LA Martínez-Tossas, J King, P Fleming
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 911, A53, 2021
Wind turbine modeling for computational fluid dynamics: December 2010-December 2012
LAM Tossas, S Leonardi
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2013
Floating platform effects on power generation in spar and semisubmersible wind turbines
HM Johlas, LA Martínez‐Tossas, MJ Churchfield, MA Lackner, ...
Wind Energy 24 (8), 901-916, 2021
The curled wake model: a three-dimensional and extremely fast steady-state wake solver for wind plant flows
LA Martínez-Tossas, J King, E Quon, CJ Bay, R Mudafort, N Hamilton, ...
Wind Energy Science 6 (2), 555-570, 2021
Large Eddy Simulation of wind turbine wakes: detailed comparisons of two codes focusing on effects of numerics and subgrid modeling
LA Martinez-Tossas, MJ Churchfield, C Meneveau
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 625 (1), 012024, 2015
Large eddy simulations of offshore wind turbine wakes for two floating platform types
HM Johlas, LA Martínez-Tossas, MA Lackner, DP Schmidt, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1452 (1), 012034, 2020
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