Jacques Panfili
Jacques Panfili
Directeur de Recherche, IRD, UMR MARBEC, Montpellier, France
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Manual of fish sclerochronology
J Panfili, H De Pontual, H Troadec, PJ Wright
A global review of the cosmopolitan flathead mullet Mugil cephalus Linnaeus 1758 (Teleostei: Mugilidae), with emphasis on the biology, genetics, ecology and …
AK Whitfield, J Panfili, JD Durand
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 22, 641-681, 2012
Comparison of accuracy, precision, and sensitivity in elemental assays of fish otoliths using the electron microprobe, proton-induced X-ray emission, and laser ablation …
SE Campana, SR Thorrold, CM Jones, D Günther, M Tubrett, H Longerich, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54 (9), 2068-2079, 1997
Variations in age and size at maturity of female Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, populations from man-made lakes of Côte d'Ivoire
F Duponchelle, J Panfili
Environmental Biology of Fishes 52 (4), 453-465, 1998
Influence of salinity on the life-history traits of the West African black-chinned tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron): comparison between the Gambia and Saloum estuaries
J Panfili, A Mbow, JD Durand, K Diop, K Diouf, D Thior, P Ndiaye, R Laë
Aquatic Living Resources 17 (1), 65-74, 2004
Glossary for otolith studies
JM Kalish, RJ Beamish, EB Brothers, JM Casselman, R Francis, ...
Trans‐Amazonian natal homing in giant catfish
F Duponchelle, M Pouilly, C Pécheyran, M Hauser, JF Renno, J Panfili, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (5), 1511-1520, 2016
Seasonality in the deep sea and tropics revisited: what can otoliths tell us?
B Morales-Nin, J Panfili
Marine and Freshwater Research 56 (5), 585-598, 2005
Influence of salinity on the size at maturity for fish species reproducing in contrasting West African estuaries
J Panfili, D Thior, JM Ecoutin, P Ndiaye, JJ Albaret
Journal of Fish Biology 69 (1), 95-113, 2006
Manuel de sclérochronologie des poissons
J Panfili
IRD Orstom, 2002
Age and growth of Anguilla anguilla in the Camargue lagoons
P Melia, D Bevacqua, AJ Crivelli, GA De Leo, J Panfili, M Gatto
Journal of Fish Biology 68 (3), 876-890, 2006
Types of calcified structures: otoliths
PJ Wright, J Panfili, B Morales-Nin, AJ Geffen
Manual of fish sclerochronology, 31-57, 2002
The length-weight relationship and condition factor of white grouper (Epinephelus aeneus, Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, 1817) at the south-west coast of Senegal, West Africa
W Ndiaye, K Diouf, O Samba, P Ndiaye, J Panfili, UMR Marbec, ...
International Journal of Advanced Research 3 (3), 145-153, 2015
Silvering of female eels (Anguilla anguilla) in two sub-populations of the Rhone Delta.
A Acou, F Lefebvre, P Contournet, G Poizat, J Panfili, AJ Crivelli
Bulletin Français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture, 55-68, 2003
Mangrove reforestation: greening or grabbing coastal zones and deltas? Case studies in Senegal
MC Cormier-Salem, J Panfili
African Journal of Aquatic Science 41 (1), 89-98, 2016
Sex differentiation of the European eel in brackish and freshwater environments: a comparative analysis
P Melià, D Bevacqua, AJ Crivelli, J Panfili, GA De Leo, M Gatto
Journal of Fish Biology 69 (4), 1228-1235, 2006
Age and growth of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, from the western Indian Ocean, based on otolith microstructure
B Stéquert, J Panfili, JM Dean
Fishery bulletin 94, 124-134, 1996
Environment‐related life‐history trait variations of the red‐bellied piranha Pygocentrus nattereri in two river basins of the Bolivian Amazon
F Duponchelle, F Lino, N Hubert, J Panfili, JF Renno, E Baras, JP Torrico, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 71 (4), 1113-1134, 2007
Biologie de Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum et P. tigrinum (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) du bassin du Mamoré (Amazonie Bolivienne).
G Loubens, J Panfili
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 11, 13-34, 2000
Sources of variation in growth of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) estimated from otoliths
J Panfili, MC Ximénès, AJ Crivelli
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51 (3), 506-515, 1994
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