Mounir Khalil El Debs
Mounir Khalil El Debs
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na sc.usp.br
Concreto pré-moldado: fundamentos e aplicações
MK El Debs
Oficina de Textos, 2000
Influence of concrete strength and length/diameter on the axial capacity of CFT columns
WLA De Oliveira, S De Nardin, ALH de Cresce El, MK El Debs
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 65 (12), 2103-2110, 2009
Bond-slip behavior of self-compacting concrete and vibrated concrete using pull-out and beam tests
FM de Almeida Filho, MK El Debs, ALHC El Debs
Materials and Structures 41 (6), 1073-1089, 2008
Mechanical damage evolution in UHPFRC: Experimental and numerical investigation
PA Krahl, R Carrazedo, MK El Debs
Engineering Structures 170, 63-77, 2018
Evaluation of passive confinement in CFT columns
WLA de Oliveira, S De Nardin, ALH de Cresce El, MK El Debs
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 66 (4), 487-495, 2010
A cost optimization-based design of precast concrete floors using genetic algorithms
AT De Albuquerque, K Mounir, AMC Melo
Automation in construction 22, 348-356, 2012
Bending behavior of mortar reinforced with steel meshes and polymeric fibers
MK El Debs, AE Naaman
Cement and Concrete Composites 17 (4), 327-338, 1995
Stress-strain curves for steel fiber-reinforced concrete in compression
LÁ Oliveira Júnior, VES Borges, AR Danin, DVR Machado, DL Araújo, ...
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro) 15, 260-266, 2010
Numerical analysis of reinforced high strength concrete corbels
RMF Canha, DA Kuchma, MK El Debs, RA de Souza
Engineering Structures 74, 130-144, 2014
Using a modified genetic algorithm to minimize the production costs for slabs of precast prestressed concrete joists
VC de Castilho, MK El Debs, M do Carmo Nicoletti
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 20 (4), 519-530, 2007
Evaluation of the influence of the column axial load on the behavior of monotonically loaded R/C exterior beam–column joints through numerical simulations
VG Haach, ALHDC El, MK El Debs
Engineering Structures 30 (4), 965-975, 2008
Introdução às pontes de concreto
MK El Debs, T Takeya
São Carlos, 2007
An experimental study on cyclic behaviour of reinforced concrete connections
GMS Alva, ALH de Cresce El, MK El Debs
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 34 (4), 565-575, 2007
Analysis of a semi-rigid connection for precast concrete
MK El Debs, AM Miotto, ALHC El Debs
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings …, 2010
Analysis of the behavior of transverse walls of socket base connections
RMF Canha, K de Borja Jaguaribe Jr, ALH de Cresce El, MK El Debs
Engineering Structures 31 (3), 788-798, 2009
Interface strength of high-strength concrete to ultra-high-performance concrete
LP Prado, R Carrazedo, MK El Debs
Engineering Structures 252, 113591, 2022
Analysing the base of precast column in socket foundations with smooth interfaces
RMF Canha, EB Ebeling, ALH de Cresce El Debs, MK El Debs
Materials and structures 42 (6), 725-737, 2009
Estudo de deformabilidades de ligações para análise linear em pórticos planos de elementos pré-moldados de concreto
MA Ferreira
Determination of modulus of elasticity of concrete from the acoustic response
HJF Diógenes, LC Cossolino, AHA Pereira, MK El Debs, ALHC El Debs
Revista Ibracon de Estruturas e Materiais 4, 803-813, 2011
Determinação do módulo de elasticidade do concreto a partir da resposta acústica
HJF Diógenes, LC Cossolino, AHA Pereira, MK El Debs, ALHC El Debs
Revista Ibracon de Estruturas e Materiais 4, 803-813, 2011
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