Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Thibault RolandVeč o tem
Na voljo nekje: 4
The flagellar motor of Caulobacter crescentus generates more torque when a cell swims backward
P Lele, H Berg
Biophysical Journal 110 (3), 198a, 2016
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
The screw-like movement of a gliding bacterium is powered by spiral motion of cell-surface adhesins
A Shrivastava, T Roland, HC Berg
Biophysical journal 111 (5), 1008-1013, 2016
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Response thresholds in bacterial chemotaxis
PP Lele, A Shrivastava, T Roland, HC Berg
Science advances 1 (9), e1500299, 2015
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Small Molecule Injection into Single-Cell C. elegans Embryos via Carbon-Reinforced Nanopipettes
LD Brennan, T Roland, DG Morton, SM Fellman, SY Chung, M Soltani, ...
PLoS One 8 (9), e75712, 2013
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
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