Andreas Blenk
Andreas Blenk
Research Scientist, T CED INW-DE, Siemens AG
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Survey on network virtualization hypervisors for software defined networking
A Blenk, A Basta, M Reisslein, W Kellerer
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (1), 655-685, 2015
Adaptable and data-driven softwarized networks: Review, opportunities, and challenges
W Kellerer, P Kalmbach, A Blenk, A Basta, M Reisslein, S Schmid
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (4), 711-731, 2019
Towards a cost optimal design for a 5G mobile core network based on SDN and NFV
A Basta, A Blenk, K Hoffmann, HJ Morper, M Hoffmann, W Kellerer
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 14 (4), 1061-1075, 2017
Flexibility in softwarized networks: Classifications and research challenges
M He, AM Alba, A Basta, A Blenk, W Kellerer
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (3), 2600-2636, 2019
HyperFlex: An SDN virtualization architecture with flexible hypervisor function allocation
A Blenk, A Basta, W Kellerer
2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2015
Control plane latency with SDN network hypervisors: The cost of virtualization
A Blenk, A Basta, J Zerwas, M Reisslein, W Kellerer
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 13 (3), 366-380, 2016
Dynamic Application-Aware Resource Management Using Software-Defined Networking: Implementation Prospects and Challenges
T Zinner, M Jarschel, A Blenk, F Wamser, W Kellerer
IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Experience Centric Management …, 2014
Modeling flow setup time for controller placement in SDN: Evaluation for dynamic flows
M He, A Basta, A Blenk, W Kellerer
2017 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 1-7, 2017
Empowering self-driving networks
P Kalmbach, J Zerwas, P Babarczi, A Blenk, W Kellerer, S Schmid
Proceedings of the afternoon workshop on self-driving networks, 8-14, 2018
Boost online virtual network embedding: Using neural networks for admission control
A Blenk, P Kalmbach, P Van Der Smagt, W Kellerer
2016 12th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM …, 2016
Performance study of dynamic QoS management for OpenFlow-enabled SDN switches
R Durner, A Blenk, W Kellerer
2015 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 177-182, 2015
Cerberus: The power of choices in datacenter topology design-a throughput perspective
C Griner, J Zerwas, A Blenk, M Ghobadi, S Schmid, C Avin
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 5 (3 …, 2021
P4NFV: An NFV architecture with flexible data plane reconfiguration
M He, A Basta, A Blenk, N Deric, W Kellerer
2018 14th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM …, 2018
Assessing the maturity of SDN controllers with software reliability growth models
P Vizarreta, K Trivedi, B Helvik, P Heegaard, A Blenk, W Kellerer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 15 (3), 1090-1104, 2018
How to measure network flexibility? A proposal for evaluating softwarized networks
W Kellerer, A Basta, P Babarczi, A Blenk, M He, M Klugel, AM Alba
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (10), 186-192, 2018
O'zapft is: Tap your network algorithm's big data!
A Blenk, P Kalmbach, W Kellerer, S Schmid
Proceedings of the Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for …, 2017
NeuroViNE: A neural preprocessor for your virtual network embedding algorithm
A Blenk, P Kalmbach, J Zerwas, M Jarschel, S Schmid, W Kellerer
IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 405-413, 2018
Pairing SDN with network virtualization: The network hypervisor placement problem
A Blenk, A Basta, J Zerwas, W Kellerer
2015 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined …, 2015
Towards a dynamic SDN virtualization layer: Control path migration protocol
A Basta, A Blenk, HB Hassine, W Kellerer
2015 11th international conference on network and service management (CNSM …, 2015
Efficient loop-free rerouting of multiple SDN flows
A Basta, A Blenk, S Dudycz, A Ludwig, S Schmid
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 26 (2), 948-961, 2018
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