Ahmed Abdulhamid Mahmoud
Determination of the total organic carbon (TOC) based on conventional well logs using artificial neural network
AAA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny, M Mahmoud, M Abouelresh, A Abdulraheem, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 179, 72-80, 2017
Estimation of Oil Recovery Factor for Water Drive Sandy Reservoirs through Applications of Artificial Intelligence
AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny, W Chen, A Abdulraheem
Energies 12 (19), 3671, 2019
Use of Machine Learning and Data Analytics to Detect Downhole Abnormalities While Drilling Horizontal Wells, With Real Case Study
A Alsaihati, S Elkatatny, AA Mahmoud, A Abdulraheem
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (4), 043201, 2021
Estimation of Static Young’s Modulus for Sandstone Formation Using Artificial Neural Networks
AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny, A Ali, T Moussa
Energies 12 (11), 2125, 2019
Application of machine learning models for real-time prediction of the formation lithology and tops from the drilling parameters
AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny, A Al-AbdulJabbar
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 203, 108574, 2021
Prediction of Pore and Fracture Pressures Using Support Vector Machine
A Ahmed S, AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny, M Mahmoud, A Abdulraheem
International Petroleum Technology Conference, 2019
Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Estimating Oil Recovery Factor for Water Derive Sandy Reservoirs
AA Ahmed, S Elkatatny, A Abdulraheem, M Mahmoud
SPE Kuwait Oil & Gas Show and Conference, 2017
Prediction of the Rate of Penetration while Drilling Horizontal Carbonate Reservoirs Using a Self- Adaptive Artificial Neural Network Technique
A Al-Abduljabbar, S Elkatatny, AA Mahmoud, D Al-Shehri, M Abughaban, ...
sustainability 12 (4), 1376, 2020
Evaluation of the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Using Different Artificial Intelligence Techniques
AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny, AZ Ali, M Abouelresh, A Abdulraheem
Sustainability 11 (20), 5643, 2019
Improving Class G Cement Carbonation Resistance for Applications of Geologic Carbon Sequestration Using Synthetic Polypropylene Fiber
AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 103184, 2020
Influence of Nanoclay Content on Cement Matrix for Oil Wells Subjected to Cyclic Steam Injection
AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny, A Ahmed, R Gajbhiye
Materials 12 (9), 1452, 2019
Artificial Neural Networks Model for Prediction of the Rate of Penetration While Horizontally Drilling Carbonate Formations
AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny, A Al-AbdulJabbar, T Moussa, H Gamal, ...
54th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2020
Application of Machine Learning in Evaluation of the Static Young's Modulus for Sandstone Formation
AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny, D Al Shehri
Sustainability 12 (5), 1880, 2020
New Technique to Determine the Total Organic Carbon Based on Well Logs Using Artificial Neural Network (White Box)
AA Mahmoud, S ElKatatny, A Abdulraheem, M Mahmoud, ...
SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, 2017
Organic solvent nanofiltration membranes based on polymers of intrinsic microporosity
MA Abdulhamid, G Szekely
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 36, 100804, 2022
A review of different approaches for water-based drilling fluid filter cake removal
O Siddig, AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 192, 107346, 2020
Improved durability of Saudi Class G oil-well cement sheath in CO2 rich environments using olive waste
AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny
Construction and Building Materials 262 (120623), 2020
Enhancing the cement quality using polypropylene fiber
S Elkatatny, R Gajbhiye, A Ahmed, AA Mahmoud
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 1-11, 2019
Mitigating CO2 reaction with hydrated oil well cement under geologic carbon sequestration using nanoclay particles
AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 68, 102902, 2019
The Effect of Weighting Materials on Oil-Well Cement Properties While Drilling Deep Wells
A Ahmed, AA Mahmoud, S Elkatatny
sustainability 11 (23), 6776, 2019
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