Bo Chen
Bo Chen
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na hitwh.edu.cn
Influence of composition gradient variation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 316 L/Inconel718 functionally graded material fabricated by laser additive …
Y Su, B Chen, C Tan, X Song, J Feng
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 283, 116702, 2020
Development and characterization of 316L/Inconel625 functionally graded material fabricated by laser direct metal deposition
B Chen, Y Su, Z Xie, C Tan, J Feng
Optics & Laser Technology 123, 105916, 2020
Influence of processing parameters and heat treatment on the mechanical properties of 18Ni300 manufactured by laser based directed energy deposition
Y Yao, Y Huang, B Chen, C Tan, Y Su, J Feng
Optics & Laser Technology 105, 171-179, 2018
Prediction of pulsed GTAW penetration status based on BP neural network and DS evidence theory information fusion
B Chen, J Wang, S Chen
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 48, 83-94, 2010
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of laser additive manufacturing of high strength Al-Cu-Mg alloy
T Gu, B Chen, C Tan, J Feng
Optics & Laser Technology 112, 140-150, 2019
Audio sensing and modeling of arc dynamic characteristic during pulsed Al alloy GTAW process
N Lv, Y Xu, Z Zhang, J Wang, B Chen, S Chen
Sensor Review 33 (2), 141-156, 2013
A spectroscopic method based on support vector machine and artificial neural network for fiber laser welding defects detection and classification
Y Chen, B Chen, Y Yao, C Tan, J Feng
NDT & E International 108, 102176, 2019
A study on application of multi‐sensor information fusion in pulsed GTAW
B Chen, J Wang, S Chen
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 37 (2), 168-176, 2010
Role of process parameters during additive manufacturing by direct metal deposition of Inconel 718
B Chen, J Mazumder
Rapid Prototyping Journal 23 (5), 919-929, 2017
Recent progress in laser additive manufacturing of aluminum matrix composites
B Chen, X Xi, C Tan, X Song
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 28, 28-35, 2020
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of laser metal deposition of Invar 36 alloy
H Li, B Chen, C Tan, X Song, J Feng
Optics & Laser Technology 125, 106037, 2020
Multi‐sensor information fusion in pulsed GTAW based on fuzzy measure and fuzzy integral
B Chen, S Chen
Assembly Automation 30 (3), 276-285, 2010
Multisensor information fusion of pulsed GTAW based on improved DS evidence theory
B Chen, J Feng
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 71, 91-99, 2014
A study on the arc characteristics of underwater wet welding process
B Chen, C Tan, J Feng
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 86, 557-564, 2016
A study of multisensor information fusion in welding process by using fuzzy integral method
B Chen, S Chen, J Feng
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 74, 413-422, 2014
Modeling of pulsed GTAW based on multi‐sensor fusion
B Chen, J Wang, S Chen
Sensor Review 29 (3), 223-232, 2009
Investigation on the process and microstructure evolution during direct laser metal deposition of 18Ni300
B Chen, Y Huang, T Gu, C Tan, J Feng
Rapid prototyping journal 24 (6), 964-972, 2018
A study on spectral characterization and quality detection of direct metal deposition process based on spectral diagnosis
B Chen, Y Yao, C Tan, Y Huang, J Feng
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 96, 4231-4241, 2018
Quality detection of laser additive manufacturing process based on coaxial vision monitoring
B Chen, Y Yao, Y Huang, W Wang, C Tan, J Feng
Sensor Review 39 (4), 512-521, 2019
Modeling of underwater wet welding process based on visual and arc sensor
B Chen, J Feng
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 41 (3), 311-317, 2014
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