Raymond Corrado
Raymond Corrado
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na sfu.ca
Predictive validity of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version for general and violent recidivism
RR Corrado, GM Vincent, SD Hart, IM Cohen
Behavioral Sciences & the Law 22 (1), 5-22, 2004
Subtypes of adolescent offenders: Affective traits and antisocial behavior patterns
GM Vincent, MJ Vitacco, T Grisso, RR Corrado
Behavioral sciences & the law 21 (6), 695-712, 2003
The PCL: YV and recidivism in male and female juveniles: A follow-up into young adulthood
GM Vincent, CL Odgers, AV McCormick, RR Corrado
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 31 (3), 287-296, 2008
A critique of the mental disorder perspective of political terrorism.
RR Corrado
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 1981
The role of symptoms of psychopathy in persistent violence over the criminal career into full adulthood
EC McCuish, RR Corrado, SD Hart, M DeLisi
Journal of Criminal Justice 43 (4), 345-356, 2015
Mental health profiles for a sample of British Columbia's Aboriginal survivors of the Canadian residential school system
RR Corrado, IM Cohen
Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2003
The validity of the Antisocial Process Screening Device as a self‐report measure of psychopathy in adolescent offenders
Z Lee, GM Vincent, SD Hart, RR Corrado
Behavioral Sciences & the Law 21 (6), 771-786, 2003
Psychopathic traits and offending trajectories from early adolescence to adulthood
EC McCuish, R Corrado, P Lussier, SD Hart
Journal of Criminal Justice 42 (1), 66-76, 2014
The incarceration of female young offenders: Protection for whom?
RR Corrado, C Odgers, IM Cohen
Canadian Journal of Criminology 42 (2), 189-207, 2000
The role of psychopathic traits and developmental risk factors on offending trajectories from early adolescence to adulthood: A prospective study of incarcerated youth
RR Corrado, EC McCuish, SD Hart, M DeLisi
Journal of Criminal Justice 43 (4), 357-368, 2015
Comparative examination of the prevalence of mental disorders among jailed inmates in Canada and the United States
RR Corrado, I Cohen, S Hart, R Roesch
International Journal of law and Psychiatry 23 (5-6), 633-647, 2000
Traumatic pasts in Canadian Aboriginal people: Further support for a complex trauma conceptualization?
I Sochting, R Corrado, IM Cohen, RG Ley, C Brasfield
British Columbia Medical Journal 49 (6), 320, 2007
Can the causal mechanisms underlying chronic, serious, and violent offending trajectories be elucidated using the psychopathy construct?
RR Corrado, M DeLisi, SD Hart, EC McCuish
Journal of Criminal Justice 43 (4), 251-261, 2015
Examining antisocial behavioral antecedents of juvenile sexual offenders and juvenile non-sexual offenders
EC McCuish, P Lussier, RR Corrado
Sexual Abuse 27 (4), 414-438, 2015
The prevalence of psychopathic personality disturbances among incarcerated youth: Comparing serious, chronic, violent and sex offenders
J Cale, P Lussier, E McCuish, R Corrado
Journal of Criminal Justice 43 (4), 337-344, 2015
Serious and violent young offenders’ decisions to recidivate: An assessment of five sentencing models
RR Corrado, IM Cohen, W Glackman, C Odgers
Crime & Delinquency 49 (2), 179-200, 2003
Multi-problem violent youth: A foundation for comparative research on needs, interventions, and outcomes
RR Corrado
Ios Press, 2002
Criminal careers of juvenile sex and nonsex offenders: Evidence from a prospective longitudinal study
E McCuish, P Lussier, R Corrado
Youth violence and juvenile justice 14 (3), 199-224, 2016
Policy issues regarding the overrepresentation of incarcerated aboriginal young offenders in a Canadian context
RR Corrado, S Kuehn, I Margaritescu
Youth Justice 14 (1), 40-62, 2014
Risk profiles, trajectories, and intervention points for serious and chronic young offenders
R Corrado, L Freedman
International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies 2 (2.1), 197-232, 2011
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