Guanjie He
Alleviation of Dendrite Formation on Zinc Anodes via Electrolyte Additives
X Guo, Z Zhang, J Li, N Luo, GL Chai, TS Miller, F Lai, P Shearing, ...
ACS Energy Letters 6, 395-403, 2021
Insights on Flexible Zinc‐Ion Batteries from Lab Research to Commercialization
H Dong, J Li, J Guo, F Lai, F Zhao, Y Jiao, DJL Brett, T Liu, G He*, ...
Advanced Materials, 2007548, 2021
Highly reversible zinc metal anode in a dilute aqueous electrolyte enabled by a pH buffer additive
W Zhang, Y Dai, R Chen, Z Xu, J Li, W Zong, H Li, Z Li, Z Zhang, J Zhu, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (5), e202212695, 2023
Rechargeable aqueous Zn-based energy storage devices
Y Liu, X Lu, F Lai, T Liu, PR Shearing, IP Parkin, G He*, DJL Brett*
Joule, 2021
Chain-like NiCo 2 O 4 nanowires with different exposed reactive planes for high-performance supercapacitors
R Zou, K Xu, T Wang, G He, Q Liu, X Liu, Z Zhang, J Hu
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (30), 8560-8566, 2013
Multi‐Scale Investigations of δ‐Ni0. 25V2O5· nH2O Cathode Materials in Aqueous Zinc‐Ion Batteries
J Li, K McColl, X Lu, S Sathasivam, H Dong, L Kang, Z Li, S Zhao, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (15), 2000058, 2020
S, N‐Co‐doped graphene‐nickel cobalt sulfide aerogel: improved energy storage and electrocatalytic performance
G He, M Qiao, W Li, Y Lu, T Zhao, R Zou, B Li, JA Darr, J Hu, MM Titirici, ...
Advanced Science 4 (1), 1600214, 2017
Palladium alloys used as electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction
T Wang, A Chutia, D Brett, P Shearing, G He*, G Chai*, IP Parkin*
Energy & Environmental Science, 2021
ZnO nanorods on reduced graphene sheets with excellent field emission, gas sensor and photocatalytic properties
R Zou, G He, K Xu, Q Liu, Z Zhang, J Hu
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (29), 8445-8452, 2013
Table salt as a template to prepare reusable porous PVDF–MWCNT foam for separation of immiscible oils/organic solvents and corrosive aqueous solutions
F Chen, Y Lu, X Liu, J Song, G He, MK Tiwari, CJ Carmalt, IP Parkin
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (41), 1702926, 2017
Cathode Design for Aqueous Rechargeable Multivalent Ion Batteries: Challenges and Opportunities
Y Liu, G He*, H Jiang, IP Parkin, PR Shearing, DJL Brett*
Advanced Functional Materials, 2010445, 2021
One pot synthesis of nickel foam supported self-assembly of NiWO 4 and CoWO 4 nanostructures that act as high performance electrochemical capacitor electrodes
G He, J Li, W Li, B Li, N Noor, K Xu, J Hu, IP Parkin
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (27), 14272-14278, 2015
Reversible Zn metal anodes enabled by trace amounts of underpotential deposition initiators
Y Dai, C Zhang, W Zhang, L Cui, C Ye, X Hong, J Li, R Chen, W Zong, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (18), e202301192, 2023
A dendritic nickel cobalt sulfide nanostructure for alkaline battery electrodes
W Li, B Zhang, R Lin, SM Ho‐Kimura, G He*, X Zhou, J Hu*, IP Parkin*
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (23), 1705937, 2018
Self‐Cleaning Catalyst Electrodes for Stabilized CO2 Reduction to Hydrocarbons
Z Weng, X Zhang, Y Wu, S Huo, J Jiang, W Liu, G He, Y Liang, H Wang
Angewandte Chemie 129 (42), 13315-13319, 2017
N2 Electroreduction to NH3 by Selenium Vacancy‐Rich ReSe2 Catalysis at an Abrupt Interface
F Lai, W Zong, G He, Y Xu, H Huang, B Weng, D Rao, JA Martens, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (32), 13320-13327, 2020
Exceptional supercapacitor performance from optimized oxidation of graphene-oxide
Z Li, S Gadipelli, Y Yang, G He, J Guo, J Li, Y Lu, CA Howard, DJL Brett, ...
Energy Storage Materials 17, 12-21, 2019
Excellent electrical conductivity of the exfoliated and fluorinated hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets
Y Xue, Q Liu, G He, K Xu, L Jiang, X Hu, J Hu
Nanoscale research letters 8, 1-7, 2013
Engineering polymer glue towards 90% zinc utilization for 1000 hours to make high‐performance Zn‐ion batteries
Y Jiao, F Li, X Jin, Q Lei, L Li, L Wang, T Ye, E He, J Wang, H Chen, J Lu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (49), 2107652, 2021
Sulfur‐deficient bismuth sulfide/nitrogen‐doped carbon nanofibers as advanced free‐standing electrode for asymmetric supercapacitors
W Zong, F Lai, G He, J Feng, W Wang, R Lian, YE Miao, GC Wang, ...
Small 14 (32), 1801562, 2018
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