Lawrence Bergman
Lawrence Bergman
Professor of aerospace engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Structural control: past, present, and future
GW Housner, LA Bergman, TK Caughey, RO Chassiakos, A.G., Claus, ...
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 123, 897, 1997
Nonlinear targeted energy transfer in mechanical and structural systems
AF Vakakis, OV Gendelman, LA Bergman, DM McFarland, G Kerschen, ...
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
The method of proper orthogonal decomposition for dynamical characterization and order reduction of mechanical systems: an overview
G Kerschen, J Golinval, AF Vakakis, LA Bergman
Nonlinear dynamics 41, 147-169, 2005
A state-of-the-art report on computational stochastic mechanics
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 12 (4), 197-321, 1997
Phase I benchmark control problem for seismic response of cable-stayed bridges
SJ Dyke, JM Caicedo, G Turan, LA Bergman, S Hague
Journal of Structural Engineering 129 (7), 857-872, 2003
Complicated dynamics of a linear oscillator with a light, essentially nonlinear attachment
YS Lee, G Kerschen, AF Vakakis, P Panagopoulos, L Bergman, ...
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 204 (1-2), 41-69, 2005
Simulation of dynamics of beam structures with bolted joints using adjusted Iwan beam elements
Y Song, CJ Hartwigsen, DM McFarland, AF Vakakis, LA Bergman
Journal of sound and vibration 273 (1-2), 249-276, 2004
On the numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for nonlinear stochastic systems
BF Spencer, LA Bergman
Nonlinear Dynamics 4, 357-372, 1993
Experimental study of non-linear energy pumping occurring at a single fast frequency
DM McFarland, LA Bergman, AF Vakakis
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 40 (6), 891-899, 2005
Dynamics of linear discrete systems connected to local, essentially non-linear attachments
AF Vakakis, LI Manevitch, O Gendelman, L Bergman
Journal of Sound and Vibration 264 (3), 559-577, 2003
Targeted energy transfers in vibro-impact oscillators for seismic mitigation
F Nucera, AF Vakakis, DM McFarland, LA Bergman, G Kerschen
Nonlinear Dynamics 50, 651-677, 2007
Irreversible passive energy transfer in coupled oscillators with essential nonlinearity
G Kerschen, YS Lee, AF Vakakis, DM McFarland, LA Bergman
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 66 (2), 648-679, 2005
Suppression aeroelastic instability using broadband passive targeted energy transfers, part 1: Theory
YS Lee, AF Vakakis, LA Bergman, DM McFarland, G Kerschen
AIAA journal 45 (3), 693-711, 2007
Steady state passive nonlinear energy pumping in coupled oscillators: theoretical and experimental results
X Jiang, DM McFarland, LA Bergman, AF Vakakis
Nonlinear Dynamics 33, 87-102, 2003
Suppressing aeroelastic instability using broadband passive targeted energy transfers, part 2: experiments
YS Lee, G Kerschen, DM McFarland, WJ Hill, C Nichkawde, TW Strganac, ...
AIAA journal 45 (10), 2391-2400, 2007
Passive non-linear targeted energy transfer and its applications to vibration absorption: a review
YS Lee, AF Vakakis, LA Bergman, DM McFarland, G Kerschen, F Nucera, ...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of …, 2008
Periodic orbits, damped transitions and targeted energy transfers in oscillators with vibro-impact attachments
YS Lee, F Nucera, AF Vakakis, DM McFarland, LA Bergman
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 238 (18), 1868-1896, 2009
Application of broadband nonlinear targeted energy transfers for seismic mitigation of a shear frame: Experimental results
F Nucera, FL Iacono, DM McFarland, LA Bergman, AF Vakakis
Journal of sound and vibration 313 (1-2), 57-76, 2008
Theoretical and experimental study of multimodal targeted energy transfer in a system of coupled oscillators
G Kerschen, JJ Kowtko, DM McFarland, LA Bergman, AF Vakakis
Nonlinear Dynamics 47, 285-309, 2007
Numerical and experimental investigation of a highly effective single-sided vibro-impact non-linear energy sink for shock mitigation
MA Al-Shudeifat, N Wierschem, DD Quinn, AF Vakakis, LA Bergman, ...
International journal of non-linear mechanics 52, 96-109, 2013
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