Garabed Antranikian
Garabed Antranikian
Professor for Technical Microbiology, Hamburg University of Technology
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Xylanolytic enzymes from fungi and bacteria
A Sunna, G Antranikian
Critical reviews in biotechnology 17 (1), 39-67, 1997
Extremophiles as a source of novel enzymes for industrial application
F Niehaus, C Bertoldo, M Kähler, G Antranikian
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 51, 711-729, 1999
Enzymatic production of cyclodextrins
A Biwer, G Antranikian, E Heinzle
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 59, 609-617, 2002
Starch-hydrolyzing enzymes from thermophilic archaea and bacteria
C Bertoldo, G Antranikian
Current opinion in chemical biology 6 (2), 151-160, 2002
Extremozymes—biocatalysts with unique properties from extremophilic microorganisms
S Elleuche, C Schröder, K Sahm, G Antranikian
Current opinion in biotechnology 29, 116-123, 2014
Keratin degradation by Fervidobacterium pennavorans, a novel thermophilic anaerobic species of the order Thermotogales
AB Friedrich, G Antranikian
Applied and environmental microbiology 62 (8), 2875-2882, 1996
Genome sequence of Picrophilus torridus and its implications for life around pH 0
O Fütterer, A Angelov, H Liesegang, G Gottschalk, C Schleper, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (24), 9091-9096, 2004
Industrial relevance of thermophilic Archaea
K Egorova, G Antranikian
Current opinion in microbiology 8 (6), 649-655, 2005
Naphthalene Degradation and Incorporation of Naphthalene-Derived Carbon into Biomass by the ThermophileBacillus thermoleovorans
E Annweiler, HH Richnow, G Antranikian, S Hebenbrock, C Garms, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66 (2), 518-523, 2000
Extreme environments as a resource for microorganisms and novel biocatalysts
G Antranikian, CE Vorgias, C Bertoldo
Marine biotechnology I, 219-262, 2005
Proteins from hyperthermophiles: stability and enzymatic catalysis close to the boiling point of water
R Ladenstein, G Antranikian
Biotechnology of Extremophiles, 37-85, 1998
Fermentation of extremophilic microorganisms
M Krahe, G Antranikian, H Märkl
FEMS Microbiology Reviews 18 (2-3), 271-285, 1996
Extremophiles handbook
K Horikoshi, G Antranikian, AT Bull, FT Robb, KO Stetter
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Isolation of Thermoanaerobacter keratinophilus sp. nov., a novel thermophilic, anaerobic bacterium with keratinolytic activity
S Riessen, G Antranikian
Extremophiles 5, 399-408, 2001
Degradation of crude oil by an arctic microbial consortium
U Deppe, HH Richnow, W Michaelis, G Antranikian
Extremophiles 9, 461-470, 2005
Purification and properties of a hyperthermoactive α-amylase from the archaeobacterium Pyrococcus woesei
R Koch, A Spreinat, K Lemke, G Antranikian
Archives of Microbiology 155, 572-578, 1991
Determination of the kinetic parameters during continuous cultivation of the lipase-producing thermophile Bacillus sp. IHI-91 on olive oil
P Becker, I Abu-Reesh, S Markossian, G Antranikian, H Märkl
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 48, 184-190, 1997
Cloning, Sequencing, Characterization, and Expression of an Extracellular α-Amylase from the Hyperthermophilic ArchaeonPyrococcus furiosus in Escherichia coli andBacillus subtilis
S Jørgensen, CE Vorgias, G Antranikian
Journal of Biological Chemistry 272 (26), 16335-16342, 1997
Glycosyl hydrolases from hyperthermophiles
A Sunna, M Moracci, M Rossi, G Antranikian
Extremophiles 1, 2-13, 1997
Isolation and characterization of a heat-stable pullulanase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus woesei after cloning and expression of its gene in Escherichia coli
A Rüdiger, PL Jorgensen, G Antranikian
Applied and Environmental microbiology 61 (2), 567-575, 1995
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