Oleg Granichin
Randomized Algorithms in Automatic Control and Data Mining
O Granichin, ZV Volkovich, D Toledano-Kitai
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015
Randomized Algorithms of an Estimation and Optimization Under Almost Arbitrary Noises
ON Granichin, BT Polyak
M.: Nauka, 2003
Simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation for tracking under unknown but bounded disturbances
O Granichin, N Amelina
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control 60 (6), 1653-1658, 2015
Linear regression and filtering under nonstandard assumptions (Arbitrary noise)
O Granichin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 49 (10), 1830-1837, 2004
Adaptive autonomous soaring of multiple UAVs using simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation
C Antal, O Granichin, S Levi
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3656-3661, 2010
Discrete-time minimum tracking based on stochastic approximation algorithm with randomized differences
O Granichin, L Gurevich, A Vakhitov
Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009
An optimal controller of a linear pjlant subjected to constrained noise
AE Barabanov, ON Granichin
Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 39-46, 1984
Toward optimal distributed node scheduling in a multihop wireless network through local voting
DJ Vergados, N Amelina, Y Jiang, K Kralevska, O Granichin
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (1), 400-414, 2017
Simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation-based consensus for tracking under unknown-but-bounded disturbances
O Granichin, V Erofeeva, Y Ivanskiy, Y Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (8), 3710-3717, 2020
Adaptive control of SISO plant with time-varying coefficients based on random test perturbation
A Vakhitov, V Vlasov, O Granichin
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, 4004-4009, 2010
Procedure of stochastic approximation with disturbances at the input
ON Granichin
Automation and Remote Control 53 (2), 232-237, 1992
Optimal controller for linear plant with bounded noise
AE Barabanov, ON Granichin
Automation and Remote Control 45 (5 Part 1), 578-584, 1984
A stochastic recursive procedure with dependent noises in the observation that uses sample perturbations in the input
ON Granichin
Vestnik Leningrad Univ. Math 22 (1), 4, 1989
Randomized Control Strategies under Arbitrary External Noise
K Amelin, O Granichin
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2015
Comparing adaptive and non-adaptive models of cargo transportation in multi-agent system for real time truck scheduling
O Granichin, P Skobelev, A Lada, I Mayorov, A Tsarev
International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications …, 2012
Local voting protocol in decentralized load balancing problem with switched topology, noise, and delays
N Amelina, O Granichin, A Kornivetc
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4613-4618, 2013
Cargo transportation models analysis using multi-agent adaptive real-time truck scheduling system
O Granichin, P Skobelev, A Lada, I Mayorov, A Tsarev
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2, 244-249, 2013
Randomized algorithm for uavs group flight optimization
K Amelin, N Amelina, O Granichin, O Granichina, B Andrievsky
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (11), 205-208, 2013
Multi-agent stochastic systems with switched topology and noise
K Amelin, N Amelina, O Granichin, O Granichina
2012 13th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial …, 2012
Patterning of writing style evolution by means of dynamic similarity
K Amelin, O Granichin, N Kizhaeva, Z Volkovich
Pattern Recognition 77, 45-64, 2018
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