Mike Peel
Mike Peel
ARC-API Rangeland Ecology
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na arc.agric.za
Ecology of grazing lawns in Africa
GP Hempson, S Archibald, WJ Bond, RP Ellis, CC Grant, FJ Kruger, ...
Biological Reviews 90 (3), 979-994, 2015
Forage quality of savannas—Simultaneously mapping foliar protein and polyphenols for trees and grass using hyperspectral imagery
AK Skidmore, JG Ferwerda, O Mutanga, SE Van Wieren, M Peel, ...
Remote sensing of environment 114 (1), 64-72, 2010
Large herbivores may alter vegetation structure of semi-arid savannas through soil nutrient mediation
C van der Waal, A Kool, SS Meijer, E Kohi, IMA Heitkönig, WF de Boer, ...
Oecologia 165, 1095-1107, 2011
Strategic management of livestock to improve biodiversity conservation in A frican savannahs: a conceptual basis for wildlife–livestock coexistence
RWS Fynn, DJ Augustine, MJS Peel, M de Garine‐Wichatitsky
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (2), 388-397, 2016
The spatial scaling of habitat selection by African elephants
HJ De Knegt, F Van Langevelde, AK Skidmore, A Delsink, R Slotow, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 80 (1), 270-281, 2011
Spatial distribution of lion kills determined by the water dependency of prey species
WF De Boer, MJP Vis, HJ De Knegt, C Rowles, EM Kohi, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 91 (5), 1280-1286, 2010
Generality in ecology: testing North American grassland rules in South African savannas
AK Knapp, MD Smith, SL Collins, N Zambatis, M Peel, S Emery, J Wojdak, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2 (9), 483-491, 2004
Explaining grass‐nutrient patterns in a savanna rangeland of southern Africa
O Mutanga, HHT Prins, AK Skidmore, S Van Wieren, H Huizing, R Grant, ...
Journal of biogeography 31 (5), 819-829, 2004
Trophic rewilding revives biotic resistance to shrub invasion
JA Guyton, J Pansu, MC Hutchinson, TR Kartzinel, AB Potter, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 4 (5), 712-724, 2020
War-induced collapse and asymmetric recovery of large-mammal populations in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
ME Stalmans, TJ Massad, MJS Peel, CE Tarnita, RM Pringle
PloS one 14 (3), e0212864, 2019
African Elephants Loxodonta africana Amplify Browse Heterogeneity in African Savanna
EM Kohi, WF de Boer, MJS Peel, R Slotow, C van der Waal, ...
Biotropica 43 (6), 711-721, 2011
Nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in faeces: an indicator of range quality as a practical adjunct to existing range evaluation methods
CC Grant, MJS Peel, JBJ Van Ryssen
African Journal of Range and Forage Science 17 (1-3), 81-92, 2000
Long‐term dynamics of herbaceous vegetation structure and composition in two African savanna reserves
R Buitenwerf, AM Swemmer, MJS Peel
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (1), 238-246, 2011
Grazing and landscape controls on nitrogen availability across 330 South African savanna sites
JM Craine, F Ballantyne, M Peel, N Zambatis, C Morrow, WD Stock
Austral Ecology 34 (7), 731-740, 2009
Seasonal diet changes in elephant and impala in mopane woodland
M Kos, AJ Hoetmer, Y Pretorius, WF de Boer, H de Knegt, CC Grant, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 58, 279-287, 2012
Soil nutrient status determines how elephant utilize trees and shape environments
Y Pretorius, FW de Boer, C van der Waal, HJ de Knegt, RC Grant, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 80 (4), 875-883, 2011
Wildlife conservation and community-based natural resource management in southern Africa's private nature reserves
U Kreuter, M Peel, E Warner
Society and Natural Resources 23 (6), 507-524, 2010
Controlling the distribution of elephants
CC Grant, R Bengis, D Balfour, M Peel, W Davies-Mostert, H Killian, ...
Effects of simulated browsing on growth and leaf chemical properties in Colophospermum mopane saplings
EM Kohi, WF De Boer, M Slot, SE Van Wieren, JG Ferwerda, RC Grant, ...
African Journal of Ecology 48 (1), 190-196, 2010
Towards integrated decision making for elephant management
HC Biggs, R Slotow, B Scholes, J Carruthers, R Van Aarde, G Kerley, ...
Assessment of South African elephant management, 537-586, 2008
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