Zack W Almquist
Zack W Almquist
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Washington
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Spatial heterogeneity can lead to substantial local variations in COVID-19 timing and severity
LJ Thomas, P Huang, F Yin, XI Luo, ZW Almquist, JR Hipp, CT Butts
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (39), 24180-24187, 2020
A network approach to modeling comorbid internalizing and alcohol use disorders
JJ Anker, MK Forbes, ZW Almquist, JS Menk, P Thuras, AS Unruh, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 126 (3), 325, 2017
Logistic Network Regression for Scalable Analysis of Networks with Joint Edge/Vertex Dynamics
ZW Almquist, CT Butts
Sociological Methodology 44 (1), 273-321, 2014
The ecology of unsheltered homelessness: Environmental and social-network predictors of well-being among an unsheltered homeless population
MC Anderson, A Hazel, JM Perkins, ZW Almquist
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (14), 7328, 2021
Random errors in egocentric networks
ZW Almquist
Social networks 34 (4), 493-505, 2012
The relationship of age to personal network size, relational multiplexity, and proximity to alters in the Western United States
EJ Smith, CS Marcum, A Boessen, ZW Almquist, JR Hipp, NN Nagle, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2015
Coarse-grained topology estimation via graph sampling
M Kurant, M Gjoka, Y Wang, ZW Almquist, CT Butts, A Markopoulou
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM workshop on Workshop on online social networks …, 2012
Networks, space, and residents’ perception of cohesion
A Boessen, JR Hipp, EJ Smith, CT Butts, NN Nagle, Z Almquist
American journal of community psychology 53, 447-461, 2014
US Census spatial and demographic data in R: the UScensus2000 suite of packages
ZW Almquist
Journal of Statistical Software 37, 1-31, 2010
The Persistence of Division Geography, Institutions, and Online Friendship Ties
ES Spiro, ZW Almquist, CT Butts
Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 2, 1-15, 2016
Dynamic network logistic regression: A logistic choice analysis of inter-and intra-group blog citation dynamics in the 2004 US presidential election
ZW Almquist, CT Butts
Political analysis 21 (4), 430-448, 2013
When does open government shut? Predicting government responses to citizen information requests
BE Bagozzi, D Berliner, ZW Almquist
Regulation & Governance 15 (2), 280-297, 2021
Using Radical Environmentalist Texts to Uncover Network Structure and Network Features
ZW Almquist, BE Bagozzi
Sociological Methods & Research, 2017
A flexible parameterization for baseline mean degree in multiple-network ERGMs
CT Butts, ZW Almquist
The Journal of mathematical sociology 39 (3), 163-167, 2015
Connecting Continuum of Care point-in-time homeless counts to United States Census areal units
ZW Almquist, NE Helwig, Y You
Mathematical Population Studies 27 (1), 46-58, 2020
Predicting Regional Self‐Identification from Spatial Network Models
ZW Almquist, CT Butts
Geographical analysis 47 (1), 50-72, 2015
Point process models for household distributions within small areal units
ZW Almquist, CT Butts
Demographic Research 26 (22), 593-632, 2012
Geographical patterns of social cohesion drive disparities in early COVID infection hazard
LJ Thomas, P Huang, F Yin, J Xu, ZW Almquist, JR Hipp, CT Butts
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (12), e2121675119, 2022
Introduction to Exponential-family Random Graph (ERG or p*) modeling with ergm
CT Butts, M Morris, PN Krivitsky, Z Almquist, MS Handcock, DR Hunter, ...
European University Institute, Florence, 2014
The form and evolution of international migration networks, 1990–2015
GJ Abel, J DeWaard, JT Ha, ZW Almquist
Population, Space and Place 27 (3), e2432, 2021
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