The national lung screening trial: overview and study design National Lung Screening Trial Research Team Radiology 258 (1), 243-253, 2011 | 1417 | 2011 |
Right and wrong C Fried Harvard University Press, 1978 | 806 | 1978 |
Vitamin C: its chemistry and biochemistry MB Davies, DA Partridge, JA Austin royal society of chemistry, 2007 | 599 | 2007 |
SARS-CoV-2 Omicron is an immune escape variant with an altered cell entry pathway BJ Willett, J Grove, OA MacLean, C Wilkie, G De Lorenzo, W Furnon, ... Nature microbiology 7 (8), 1161-1179, 2022 | 596 | 2022 |
Continental-oceanic crustal transition off Southwest Africa JA Austin Jr, E Uchupi AAPG Bulletin 66 (9), 1328-1347, 1982 | 204 | 1982 |
Deep structure of the US Atlantic continental margin, offshore South Carolina, from coincident ocean bottom and multichannel seismic data WS Holbrook, EC Reiter, GM Purdy, D Sawyer, PL Stoffa, JA Austin Jr, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 99 (B5), 9155-9178, 1994 | 156 | 1994 |
Effects of Canary hotspot volcanism on structure of oceanic crust off Morocco JS Holik, PD Rabinowitz, JA Austin Jr Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 96 (B7), 12039-12067, 1991 | 156 | 1991 |
Deep penetrating MCS imaging of the rift-to-drift transition, offshore Douala and North Gabon basins, West Africa JB Meyers, BR Rosendahl, H Groschel-Becker, JA Austin Jr, PA Rona Marine and Petroleum Geology 13 (7), 791-835, 1996 | 139 | 1996 |
Rift propagation, detachment faulting, and associated magmatism in Bransfield Strait, Antarctic Peninsula DHN Barker, JA Austin Jr Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B10), 24017-24043, 1998 | 136 | 1998 |
Seismic facies of incised-valley fills, New Jersey continental shelf: implications for erosion and preservation processes acting during latest Pleistocene–Holocene transgression S Nordfjord, JA Goff, JA Austin Jr, SPS Gulick Journal of Sedimentary Research 76 (12), 1284-1303, 2006 | 134 | 2006 |
Crustal structure of the Southeast Georgia embayment-Carolina trough: Preliminary results of a composite seismic image of a continental suture (?) and a volcanic passive margin JA Austin Jr, PL Stoffa, JD Phillips, J Oh, DS Sawyer, GM Purdy, E Reiter, ... Geology 18 (10), 1023-1027, 1990 | 131 | 1990 |
Seismic geomorphology of buried channel systems on the New Jersey outer shelf: assessing past environmental conditions S Nordfjord, JA Goff, JA Austin Jr, CK Sommerfield Marine Geology 214 (4), 339-364, 2005 | 123 | 2005 |
Contrasting styles of superposed deformation in the southernmost Andes KA Klepeis, JA Austin Jr Tectonics 16 (5), 755-776, 1997 | 118 | 1997 |
Tracking the last sea-level cycle: seafloor morphology and shallow stratigraphy of the latest Quaternary New Jersey middle continental shelf CS Duncan, JA Goff, JA Austin Jr, CS Fulthorpe Marine Geology 170 (3-4), 395-421, 2000 | 117 | 2000 |
HIV, hepatitis C and risk behaviour in a Canadian medium‐security federal penitentiary PM Ford, M Pearson, P Sankar‐Mistry, T Stevenson, D Bell, J Austin Qjm 93 (2), 113-119, 2000 | 116 | 2000 |
Contrasting décollement and prism properties over the Sumatra 2004–2005 earthquake rupture boundary SM Dean, LC McNeill, TJ Henstock, JM Bull, SPS Gulick, JA Austin Jr, ... Science 329 (5988), 207-210, 2010 | 113 | 2010 |
Holocene mass‐wasting events in Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego (54 S): implications for paleoseismicity of the Magallanes‐Fagnano transform fault N Waldmann, FS Anselmetti, D Ariztegui, JA Austin Jr, M Pirouz, CM Moy, ... Basin Research 23 (2), 171-190, 2011 | 110 | 2011 |
Progradation along a deeply submerged Oligocene–Miocene heterozoan carbonate shelf: How sensitive are clinoforms to sea level variations? DL Cathro, JA Austin, GD Moss AAPG bulletin 87 (10), 1547-1574, 2003 | 106 | 2003 |
A modeling study of the three-dimensional continental shelf circulation off Oregon. Part I: Model–data comparisons PR Oke, JS Allen, RN Miller, GD Egbert, JA Austin, JA Barth, TJ Boyd, ... Journal of Physical Oceanography 32 (5), 1360-1382, 2002 | 103 | 2002 |
Continental margin sedimentation: From sediment transport to sequence stratigraphy CA Nittrouer, JA Austin, ME Field, JH Kravitz, JPM Syvitski, PL Wiberg John Wiley & Sons, 2009 | 101 | 2009 |