Matthew D. Potts
Matthew D. Potts
Professor, University of California, Berkeley & Chief Science Officer, Carbon Direct Inc.
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Species-area curves, spatial aggregation, and habitat specialization in tropical forests
JB Plotkin, MD Potts, N Leslie, N Manokaran, J LaFrankie, PS Ashton
Journal of theoretical biology 207 (1), 81-99, 2000
Tackling the issue of food waste in restaurants: Options for measurement method, reduction and behavioral change
L Sakaguchi, N Pak, MD Potts
Journal of Cleaner Production 180, 430-436, 2018
The effects of human movement on the persistence of vector-borne diseases
C Cosner, JC Beier, RS Cantrell, D Impoinvil, L Kapitanski, MD Potts, ...
Journal of theoretical biology 258 (4), 550-560, 2009
Habitat patterns in tropical rain forests: a comparison of 105 plots in northwest Borneo
MD Potts, PS Ashton, LS Kaufman, JB Plotkin
Ecology 83 (10), 2782-2797, 2002
Predicting species diversity in tropical forests
JB Plotkin, MD Potts, DW Yu, S Bunyavejchewin, R Condit, R Foster, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (20), 10850-10854, 2000
Microclimate and habitat heterogeneity through the oil palm lifecycle
MS Luskin, MD Potts
Basic and Applied Ecology 12 (6), 540-551, 2011
Inferring the dynamics of diversification: a coalescent approach
H Morlon, MD Potts, JB Plotkin
PLoS biology 8 (9), e1000493, 2010
Summary for policymakers of the assessment report on land degradation and restoration of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
R Pandit, R Scholes, L Montanarella, A Brainich, N Barger, B ten Brink, ...
The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 2018
Character displacement among bat-pollinated flowers of the genus Burmeistera: analysis of mechanism, process and pattern
N Muchhala, MD Potts
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1626), 2731-2737, 2007
Drought in a Bornean everwet rain forest
MD Potts
Journal of Ecology 91 (3), 467-474, 2003
Modern hunting practices and wild meat trade in the oil palm plantation-dominated landscapes of Sumatra, Indonesia
MS Luskin, ED Christina, LC Kelley, MD Potts
Human Ecology 42, 35-45, 2014
Wood density explains architectural differentiation across 145 co‐occurring tropical tree species
Y Iida, L Poorter, FJ Sterck, AR Kassim, T Kubo, MD Potts, TS Kohyama
Functional Ecology 26 (1), 274-282, 2012
Linking size‐dependent growth and mortality with architectural traits across 145 co‐occurring tropical tree species
Y Iida, L Poorter, F Sterck, AR Kassim, MD Potts, T Kubo, TS Kohyama
Ecology 95 (2), 353-363, 2014
Pseudoreplication in tropical forests and the resulting effects on biodiversity conservation
BS Ramage, D Sheil, HMW Salim, C Fletcher, NURZA MUSTAFA, ...
Conservation Biology 27 (2), 364-372, 2013
Tree architecture and life‐history strategies across 200 co‐occurring tropical tree species
Y Iida, TS Kohyama, T Kubo, AR Kassim, L Poorter, F Sterck, MD Potts
Functional Ecology 25 (6), 1260-1268, 2011
Soil-related floristic variation in a hyperdiverse dipterocarp forest
SJ Davies, S Tan, JV LaFrankie, MD Potts
Pollination ecology and the rain forest: Sarawak studies, 22-34, 2005
Competition drives specialization in pollination systems through costs to male fitness
N Muchhala, Z Brown, WS Armbruster, MD Potts
The American Naturalist 176 (6), 732-743, 2010
Cross-boundary subsidy cascades from oil palm degrade distant tropical forests
MS Luskin, JS Brashares, K Ickes, IF Sun, C Fletcher, SJ Wright, MD Potts
Nature Communications 8 (1), 2231, 2017
Habitat heterogeneity and niche structure of trees in two tropical rain forests
MD Potts, SJ Davies, WH Bossert, S Tan, MN Nur Supardi
Oecologia 139, 446-453, 2004
Tropical countries may be willing to pay more to protect their forests
JR Vincent, RT Carson, JR DeShazo, KA Schwabe, I Ahmad, SK Chong, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (28), 10113-10118, 2014
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