Clément Hibert
Clément Hibert
Insitut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg/EOST
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An Automatic Kurtosis‐Based P‐ and S‐Phase Picker Designed for Local Seismic Networks
C Baillard, WC Crawford, V Ballu, C Hibert, A Mangeney
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104 (1), 394-409, 2014
Slope instabilities in Dolomieu crater, Réunion Island: From seismic signals to rockfall characteristics
C Hibert, A Mangeney, G Grandjean, NM Shapiro
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 116 (F4), 2011
Automatic classification of endogenous landslide seismicity using the Random Forest supervised classifier
F Provost, C Hibert, JP Malet
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (1), 113-120, 2017
Automated identification, location, and volume estimation of rockfalls at Piton de la Fournaise volcano
C Hibert, A Mangeney, G Grandjean, C Baillard, D Rivet, NM Shapiro, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 119 (5), 1082-1105, 2014
Dynamics of the Bingham Canyon Mine landslides from seismic signal analysis
C Hibert, G Ekström, CP Stark
Geophysical research letters 41 (13), 4535-4541, 2014
Automatic identification of rockfalls and volcano-tectonic earthquakes at the Piton de la Fournaise volcano using a Random Forest algorithm
C Hibert, F Provost, JP Malet, A Maggi, A Stumpf, V Ferrazzini
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 340, 130-142, 2017
Characterizing landslides through geophysical data fusion: Example of the La Valette landslide (France)
C Hibert, G Grandjean, A Bitri, J Travelletti, JP Malet
Engineering Geology 128, 23-29, 2012
Friction weakening in granular flows deduced from seismic records at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
C Levy, A Mangeney, F Bonilla, C Hibert, ES Calder, PJ Smith
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (11), 7536-7557, 2015
Implementation of a multistation approach for automated event classification at Piton de la Fournaise volcano
A Maggi, V Ferrazzini, C Hibert, F Beauducel, P Boissier, A Amemoutou
Seismological Research Letters 88 (3), 878-891, 2017
Machine learning improves debris flow warning
M Chmiel, F Walter, M Wenner, Z Zhang, BW McArdell, C Hibert
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (3), e2020GL090874, 2021
Single-block rockfall dynamics inferred from seismic signal analysis
C Hibert, JP Malet, F Bourrier, F Provost, F Berger, P Bornemann, P Tardif, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 5 (2), 283-292, 2017
Characterization of rockfalls from seismic signal: Insights from laboratory experiments
M Farin, A Mangeney, R Toussaint, J Rosny, N Shapiro, T Dewez, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (10), 7102-7137, 2015
Dynamics of the Oso-Steelhead landslide from broadband seismic analysis
C Hibert, CP Stark, G Ekström
Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 15 (6), 1265-1273, 2015
Near real-time automated classification of seismic signals of slope failures with continuous random forests
M Wenner, C Hibert, L Meier, F Walter
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2020, 1-23, 2020
Towards a standard typology of endogenous landslide seismic sources
F Provost, JP Malet, C Hibert, A Helmstetter, M Radiguet, D Amitrano, ...
Earth surface dynamics 6 (4), 1059-1088, 2018
The relationship between bulk‐mass momentum and short‐period seismic radiation in catastrophic landslides
C Hibert, G Ekström, CP Stark
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 122 (5), 1201-1215, 2017
The 2016 Lamplugh rock avalanche, Alaska: deposit structures and emplacement dynamics
A Dufresne, GJ Wolken, C Hibert, EK Bessette-Kirton, JA Coe, ...
Landslides 16, 2301-2319, 2019
Exploration of continuous seismic recordings with a machine learning approach to document 20 yr of landslide activity in Alaska
C Hibert, D Michéa, F Provost, JP Malet, M Geertsema
Geophysical Journal International 219 (2), 1138-1147, 2019
Model space exploration for determining landslide source history from long-period seismic data
J Zhao, L Moretti, A Mangeney, E Stutzmann, H Kanamori, Y Capdeville, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 172, 389-413, 2015
Monitoring water flow in a clay-shale hillslope from geophysical data fusion based on a fuzzy logic approach
G Grandjean, C Hibert, F Mathieu, E Garel, JP Malet
Comptes Rendus Geoscience 341 (10-11), 937-948, 2009
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