Akshay Kumar Jain
Akshay Kumar Jain
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,National Renewable Energy Laboratory,Virginia Tech,IITRoorkee
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Integrated transmission & distribution system modeling and analysis: Need & advantages
H Jain, K Rahimi, A Tbaileh, RP Broadwater, AK Jain, M Dilek
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
Quasi-static time-series PV hosting capacity methodology and metrics
AK Jain, K Horowitz, F Ding, N Gensollen, B Mather, B Palmintier
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2019
Dynamic hosting capacity analysis for distributed photovoltaic resources—Framework and case study
AK Jain, K Horowitz, F Ding, KS Sedzro, B Palmintier, B Mather, H Jain
Applied Energy 280, 115633, 2020
Grid-Supportive Loads -A New Approach to Increasing Renewable Energy in Power Systems
H Jain, B Mather, A Jain, S Baldwin
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022
A techno-economic comparison of traditional upgrades, volt-var controls, and coordinated distributed energy resource management systems for integration of distributed …
KAW Horowitz, A Jain, F Ding, B Mather, B Palmintier
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 123, 106222, 2020
Coordinated inverter control to increase dynamic PV hosting capacity: A real-time optimal power flow approach
Y Yao, F Ding, K Horowitz, A Jain
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (2), 1933-1944, 2021
Envisioning the future renewable and resilient energy grids—a power grid revolution enabled by renewables, energy storage, and energy electronics
FZ Peng, CC Liu, Y Li, AK Jain, D Vinnikov
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics 5 (1 …, 2023
Feeder voltage profile design for energy conservation and PV hosting capacity enhancement
D Zhu, AK Jain, R Broadwater, F Bruna
Electric Power Systems Research 164, 263-271, 2018
Detection of falsified commands on a DER management system
AK Jain, N Sahani, CC Liu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (2), 1322-1334, 2021
Microgrid building blocks: Concept and feasibility
CC Liu, AK Jain, D Boroyevich, I Cvetkovic, N Sahani, LA Lee, ...
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy 10, 463-476, 2023
Evolution of distributed energy resource grid interconnection standards for integrating emerging storage technologies
AK Jain, A Nagarajan, I Chernyakhovskiy, T Bowen, B Mather, J Cochran
2019 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1-6, 2019
Implementation of a Phasor Measurement Unit using LabVIEW
A Krishnan, AK Jain, V Centeno
Clemson University Power System Conference, 2018
Evaluating the curtailment risk of non-firm utility-scale solar photovoltaic plants under a novel last-in first-out principle of access interconnection agreement
KSA Sedzro, K Horowitz, AK Jain, F Ding, B Palmintier, B Mather
Energies 14 (5), 1463, 2021
Impacts of experimentally obtained harmonic spectrums of residential appliances on distribution feeder
J Roy, AK Jain, B Mather
2020 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), 1-6, 2020
Clustering methods and validation of representative distribution feeders
AK Jain, B Mather
2018 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), 1-9, 2018
Preparing distribution utilities for utility-scale storage and electric vehicles: A novel analytical framework
A Nagarajan, S Ghosh, AK Jain, S Akar, R Bryce, M Emmanuel, T Remo, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2020
Demand estimation of Net Metered loads for microgrid Restoration
AK Jain, CC Liu, KP Schneider, FK Tuffner, D Ton
2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2023
Impacts of control set-points on battery energy storage performance for peak shaving application
M Emmanuel, A Jain, R Bryce, A Latif, S Ghosh, A Nagarajan
2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2703-2707, 2020
Framework for Evaluating Grid Readiness for Integrating Electric Vehicles and Utility Scale Storage in India
S Ghosh, AK Jain, R Bryce, M Emmanuel, A Latif, A Nagarajan, D Palchak, ...
2nd International Conference on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable …, 2019
Enhancing PV Hosting Capacity of Distribution Feeders using Voltage Profile Design
A Kumar, Jain
Virginia Tech, 2018
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